[citation][nom]Estix[/nom]Here's the thing - "Free To Play" always implies "No Single Player"Crytek's games have, in my opinion, had great single-player and mediocre multiplayer.Transitioning to F2P means they won't be investing resources into single-player, and the quality of the games will suffer, I believe.[/citation]
not really, i hear good things about their f2p game i believe its russia only right now though but is going into beta soon for NA
[citation][nom]s3anister[/nom]F2P... Now there's something I'm not looking forward to at all.I'd much rather buy my game complete than have to constantly shell out $5-10 for features and add-ons that should have been there in the first place. I literally can not think of anything more annoying than to have to stop pre- or mid-game and use real money to buy weapons or maps to use.[/citation]
play blacklight retrobution
see the problem with fps right now is they give you so little content for what you pay and than gouge you when you want a little more
free to play they cant do that, period.
and if any f2p game is worth playing they dont make it pay to win, but sadly most people dont even understand what pay to win even means anymore and apply it to any time you can buy something to help you.
the traditional fps model is going to die soon, because its just not profitable enough and few game keep going strong their whole lives.
what will happen is the multiplayer portion will be f2p and if you buy the game, you get bounous exp or a completely unlocked experience, while the f2p side keeps servers alive.
[citation][nom]deftonian[/nom]That will actually hurt my wallet more. Thing to remember is that PC games usually go on dirt cheap sales after about a year of release. I usually only pay $5 or more and RARELY buy a game on release. With F2P model, it doesn't matter how old the game is, they will definitely get more than $5 from you by the time you buy certain items within the game just to play on level with everyone else. They win in the long run. It sucks but I'll just have to take it because I wont stop playing video games.On the other hand, it will be nice to have a F2P model for those games I just want to try out. This gives me an opportunity to play so many more games and if I dont like it, dont buy any of the items. We win on that front.It's a give / take model.[/citation]
the thing is a good f2p game you never need to buy anything not cosmetic or a sidegrade.
no guns are clearly better than eachother, and the most you can get from buying things is an exp boost.
you also have to take into account that by the time most games hit that 5$ range, the multiplayer is dead. f2p keeps the multiplayer alive indefinitely.
[citation][nom]DarkSable[/nom]The industry already IS doing this in the form of ridiculous DLC - including launch day DLC with content that by all means should be in the game. (I'd rather pay $40 for in-game content, as long as it's worth it, than I would pay $60 and then another $15 to get ALL of the game.)[/citation]
people are shortsighted and dont see the big picture, and are only looking at very poor f2p games from korea and china and scream "OH GOD I WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR A GUN, WORLD OVER"
while anyone who thinks can see multiplayer portions of games HAVE to go f2p