Question CSGO fps problem

Jun 15, 2019
hey guys! I'm new here and I didn't know where this question would fit into so I'm just gonna put it here. in CSGO I average around 90-110 fps but I want to get up to 144 fps because I know its possible but I tried everything I could to increase it to atleast 134 fps but nothing works. I watched this video that came out 2 months ago and this guy buildta pc that costed $500 and averaged around 178 fps and that's wayyyy more frames than I get in my $1000 build. I don't want to OC beacuse this is my first ever build and I don't want to ruin anything and I have XFR on for my cpu anyways. here are my specs:
-Ryzen 5 2600x
-Radeon Rx580 8gb Armor OC
-16 gb 3200MHz ddr4 ram
-MSI b450 tomahawk Mobo
-650 watt Evga gold rated G3 PSU
Also overwatch and fortnite run at 144 FPS most of the time and if not then >130 FPS so Is only csgo.
someone please help!!
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In CSGO, I'm averaging 300fps with an i7-3770K @ 4.6GHz and Asus gtx970 @ 128% OC.

The Ryzen 2600x has better IPC than the 3770k, however that game responds better to 2 cores at higher clock speeds. With the fps output and ability of the cpu, I'm not seeing a hardware issue, I'd be leaning towards a software or settings issue. Things such as windows game bar, some Antivirus, windows Xbox DVR, pre-rendered frames etc all have negative impact on some older coded games. You should be averaging well into the upper 200's+ (if not more) with that setup on that game.

YouTube videos only show what's possible, not what's probable. The videoer's pc is stripped of most all possible conflicts and tailored for games, not a general windows usage.
In CSGO, I'm averaging 300fps with an i7-3770K @ 4.6GHz and Asus gtx970 @ 128% OC.

The Ryzen 2600x has better IPC than the 3770k, however that game responds better to 2 cores at higher clock speeds. With the fps output and ability of the cpu, I'm not seeing a hardware issue, I'd be leaning towards a software or settings issue. Things such as windows game bar, some Antivirus, windows Xbox DVR, pre-rendered frames etc all have negative impact on some older coded games. You should be averaging well into the upper 200's+ (if not more) with that setup on that game.

YouTube videos only show what's possible, not what's probable. The videoer's pc is stripped of most all possible conflicts and tailored for games, not a general windows usage.
Could you please (if you don’t mind) make a list of the things I could try to fix the issue? Much appreciated!
Well I don't have amd gpu, but you do, so somewhere in the software might be global settings, if it has it change pre-rendered frames to 1 (nvidia default is 3). In windows use balanced power plan, works best with Ryzen master settings. Also in windows, disable the game-bar and any Xbox DVR related settings. Start the game, go to windows task manager/processes tab, find the CSGO process and set priority.

Use ccleaner tool (default settings), also the registry tool (default and say yes to backup) and run those one after the other until there's really nothing left to clean up. Run malwarebytes and Antivirus, need to do both, malware and virus are totally different, if games are on a hdd check for Defrag status (do not ever Defrag an SSD).

Go to MSI website and make sure that you have all the latest chipset motherboard drivers, like audio and Lan and USB, bios if you need one.

Dude on YouTube will have already done all this, in preparation for game video. There's other settings he may or may not have enabled or disabled, like AA or physX etc.

Also check around the web. There are game specific patches, gpu settings or even ini script added to streamline games. There's a ton of CSGO patches that you may already have from Steam, but others you may not.
Well I don't have amd gpu, but you do, so somewhere in the software might be global settings, if it has it change pre-rendered frames to 1 (nvidia default is 3). In windows use balanced power plan, works best with Ryzen master settings. Also in windows, disable the game-bar and any Xbox DVR related settings. Start the game, go to windows task manager/processes tab, find the CSGO process and set priority.

Use ccleaner tool (default settings), also the registry tool (default and say yes to backup) and run those one after the other until there's really nothing left to clean up. Run malwarebytes and Antivirus, need to do both, malware and virus are totally different, if games are on a hdd check for Defrag status (do not ever Defrag an SSD).

Go to MSI website and make sure that you have all the latest chipset motherboard drivers, like audio and Lan and USB, bios if you need one.

Dude on YouTube will have already done all this, in preparation for game video. There's other settings he may or may not have enabled or disabled, like AA or physX etc.

Also check around the web. There are game specific patches, gpu settings or even ini script added to streamline games. There's a ton of CSGO patches that you may already have from Steam, but others you may not.
hey it's me again! I discovered that when I hold down my right my right shift, my frames increase dramatically, it goes from 90 to 144, do you know why? and if yes, do you knoiw what i could do to make it stay there?
That's wierd. Wondering if there's a conflict somewhere with the keybindings.
ok after some messing around with the settings, I found that I had this thing called the readeon chill enabled and when I disabled it, my frames went over 100 and would average around 117 and some times it would go above 130 and stay there for like 5 seconds but then go back down to 117, I know that my pc can get atlease 200 frame but the question is how? also I don't think I would have any viruses or malwares because i made this pc a week ago and have done nothing but game on it. I really want to get this up to at least 200 frames but I dont know how, i've also looked some stuff up and tried them but they dont work either. also the shift thing went away after I disabled radeon chill.
Check the console type
bind lshift and it should say whats binded on that key.
than type "unbind lshift" and go to options, keyboard and mouse, and bind walk to the shift key
see if it helps.
if it doesnt try reinstaling the game. First uninstall the game than go to C:\Program Files (86x)\Steam\userdata\
When u are at the folder userdata there should be a folder with numbers. If there are two folders go to youtube and look up how to find your account in userdata. There is alot of videos about that. If there is only 1 folder open it. Find the folder 730 and delete it. It's the csgo binds, settings folder that creates when you first download csgo. Than check if there are more csgo folders if there are delete them if not download the game again see if it helps.
Hey thanks for the suggestion but I messed around with the settings a little bit and turns out that this setting called the Radeon chill in my gpu settings was the one causing the shift thingy. Anyways I got my average FPS up from 90 to 117 and sometimes it goes above 130 and stays there for 5 seconds, do you know what I could do to always have it above 150? Because I know it’s possible with my build. Thank you!