I'll say this right now, criminal charges need brought to bear on CTS. This isn't an AMD fanboy crap, this sets a dangerous precedence in the industry if this is how discovered security holes are handled.
Also Tom's, you are full of crap and you entirely contradict CTS's own reasoning on releasing it so early. I quote:
"Some flaws are deemed so dangerous that companies are given even longer to respond--Google afforded Intel and AMD some 200 days to fix Meltdown and Spectre before revealing them to the world at large, for example, and other disclosures have been coordinated between victim and researcher."
But we have CTS, who apparently know better then the rest of the world stating:
"CTS Labs told us that it bucked the industry-standard 90-day response time because, after it discussed the vulnerabilities with manufacturers and other security experts, it came to believe that AMD wouldn't be able to fix the problems for "many, many months, or even a year." Instead of waiting a full year to reveal these vulnerabilities, CTS Labs decided to inform the public of its discovery."
That reeks of irresponsibility, an ulterior motive and is an absolute B.S. reason to release it that shortly. The company needs sued into oblivion as this is a child response not a profession security researcher.
Show me an example of a security research group announcing it to the public in just as short of a time before informing the manufacturer and I'll shut up.