Curious problem...



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The last two times I've started the game, I have found myself with half the
screen filled with water. And as it changes as I go up or down in the
landscape it cannot simply be the flooding do I fix this,
seeing how I just recently reinstalled the thing?(on a system unaware that
there had been any previous presences of it).
CAN I fix it?

Thanks either way,


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Elfseeker wrote:
> The last two times I've started the game, I have found myself with half the
> screen filled with water. And as it changes as I go up or down in the
> landscape it cannot simply be the flooding do I fix this,
> seeing how I just recently reinstalled the thing?(on a system unaware that
> there had been any previous presences of it).
> CAN I fix it?

Well, that's a new one on me. Did you install the patch?


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> Well, that's a new one on me. Did you install the patch?

As I read it, it is one of these budget-things with all the neccessary
updates built into the basic installation...but give me the link to it, and
I'll give it a shot, see if it makes a difference(darn liers if it does, but
what else is new, eh? :p)., feeling foolish... :)


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Elfseeker wrote:
> > Well, that's a new one on me. Did you install the patch?
> As I read it, it is one of these budget-things with all the neccessary
> updates built into the basic installation...

Der? I'm not sure what you are talking about. Are you referring to the
Game Of The Year version?

Since you say you recently "reinstalled" it, I'm assuming you had it
running right at least once before this current install, yes? And since
you said that the problem occurred only on the last two times you
started the game, I'm assuming you possibly had the current version
running OK before that? Yes?

Have you recently added any new mods?


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"Elfseeker" <> wrote:

>The last two times I've started the game, I have found myself with half the
>screen filled with water. And as it changes as I go up or down in the
>landscape it cannot simply be the flooding do I fix this,
>seeing how I just recently reinstalled the thing?(on a system unaware that
>there had been any previous presences of it).
>CAN I fix it?

No matter where you are in morrowind, there's water drawn at a certain
level. Even if you would never normally see it, without turning off
clipping, and going wandering through walls.

Maybe your driver isn't correctly drawing the surface structures, letting
you see the water below? or maybe it's drawing the water level at the
wrong height?

Just a wild guess.


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"Elfseeker" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
> The last two times I've started the game, I have found myself with half
> screen filled with water. And as it changes as I go up or down in the
> landscape it cannot simply be the flooding do I fix this,
> seeing how I just recently reinstalled the thing?(on a system unaware that
> there had been any previous presences of it).
> CAN I fix it?

I have read there is a MOD (Seyda Neen Docks?, I don't remember) that lift
water level... have you Mods installed?


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> I have read there is a MOD (Seyda Neen Docks?, I don't remember) that lift
> water level... have you Mods installed?

Not that I recall...They would in any case be most annoying if they managed
to exist apart from the main game...But no.

> Maybe your driver isn't correctly drawing the surface structures, letting
> you see the water below? or maybe it's drawing the water level at the
> wrong height?

Well, there is these white 'shadows' of plants and stuff overlaid over the
landscape where they are it's most definately a
graphics-problem...I just can't understand of what sort...will try to switch
over to the other. Maybe that was what I was using last time, though I
severely doubt it. In would have installed the required DX if it wasn't
there, yes?

> Since you say you recently "reinstalled" it, I'm assuming you had it
> running right at least once before this current install, yes? And since
> you said that the problem occurred only on the last two times you
> started the game, I'm assuming you possibly had the current version
> running OK before that? Yes?

Yup. A-OK. messed myself as far along as to be running back and forth along
the ways in that multi-pyramidal place. A most tiresome affair, so I never
really finished it(that prison-cell impressed me, though. a comet prevented
from crashing...<g>).
I seem to recall I ran a reset of the system since then, and as the
'reset'-disc set thing up in an entirely different fashion(same Win-version,
though...I gather), it might be that some drivers got lost in the
process...hopefully my Hercules(or standard)-card can pull through,
somehow...if not, I'll anyway try to get a more useful one somewhere down
the road.


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On Sat, 08 May 2004 16:03:23 GMT, "Elfseeker" <>

>The last two times I've started the game, I have found myself with half the
>screen filled with water. And as it changes as I go up or down in the
>landscape it cannot simply be the flooding do I fix this,
>seeing how I just recently reinstalled the thing?(on a system unaware that
>there had been any previous presences of it).
>CAN I fix it?
>Thanks either way,

I had a similar problem. I fixed it by getting the updated
drivers for my graphics card. Might help for you.


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On Sun, 09 May 2004 12:41:10 GMT, "Elfseeker" <> wrote:

>Well, there is these white 'shadows' of plants and stuff overlaid over the
>landscape where they are it's most definately a
>graphics-problem...I just can't understand of what sort...will try to switch
>over to the other. Maybe that was what I was using last time, though I
>severely doubt it. In would have installed the required DX if it wasn't
>there, yes?

Sounds like you're in wire-frame mode. Do things look more solid the
further away they are? When you look at the ground do you see a dotty
white grid with water underneath? If you open the console (using the ~
key) and type TWF does anything change?
Greg Johnson
One tentacle, one vote.


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> I had a similar problem. I fixed it by getting the updated
> drivers for my graphics card. Might help for you.

Hm. indeed....though I got bad experiences with that, I'd be willing to try
*heads on over to the 'hercules'-website*