Custom build computer no display

Mar 30, 2018
Hi, I tried building my own custom computer (for the first time) but when I tried to turn it on there was no signal on my monitor, but all the fans where turning. I tried taking out the Ram and that did nothing. I then tried to take out and put back the cpu. When I turned it back on there was still no signal but now the computer also turns on and off. I suspect it to be the PSU as I hear a crakeling noise when unplugging the power cable. My specs:

I3 6100
No gpu
Gigabyte H110M-S2H
8gb DDR4 RAM
450watt (Corsair) PSU
2tb hard drive


That's a code the motherboard is telling you. The user manual should list what the beep codes are and what they mean towards the back pages of it in the troubleshooting section.
Out of curiousity I went to Gigabyte's website and downloaded the manual:

I don't believe it. They do not have a trouble shooting section.

Anyway I found this thread from a guy who had the same issue and it was a seated RAM problem. Are you 100% sure you have the sticks *fully* inserted into the DIMM slots? The holding tabs should give a firm snap onto the top of the sticks. It may take some force and sometimes people are afraid to press down too far. Re-seat the memory again:

This is all assuming you don't have an issue with a case standoff mount not screwed down correctly possibly shorting the board out. OR that you haven't damaged a DIMM slot putting the memory in. That crackling sound is a little troublesome.
I have taken the ram out and back in again and I am 100% sure they are in. And yet it still turns off then on again. I put lots of force when putting in the ram the first time so perhaps I did damage the slot. The odd thing is when I take ram out of 1 slot it does the same and even when swaping the ram.

So you've tried using each stick single in each slot swapping them all around? Get a magnifying glass and see if you see any bent pins in the DIMM slots. Do the same with the memory and make sure the gold plated connector points don't look damaged.

I know for a fact that five beeps is a memory issue after reading up some more (that's Gigabyte's generic code for all their motherboards for a memory issue). I hope you didn't damage it.
Wow Gigabyte is all over the map on beep codes apparently. Then do the same inspection for the CPU connector pins on the motherboard (and make sure CPU is not cracked). They should all be facing the same way and at the same angle. Take your time and look REAL close because one even slightly bent pin can be hidden in a sea of normal pins and that's all it takes.

Yep. It can be tough and a lot of first time builders are afraid of breaking something because both the CPU and memory can take some force to get fully locked into place. I assumed you had the CPU locking arm fully snapped into place. Glad it worked out!