32 GB RAM! Holy cow, seems a tad too much lol. I would also personally go with a Asrock or Asus Motherboard, as i dont trust Gigabyte. I would also recommend that SSD you chose for fast game loading times, file transfer and opening, computer start up times, etc. They cost more, but seeing your list i take it money isn't an issue? Also, what will it be used for exactly, because if its gaming, the GPU and especially the CPU is overkill too, but at least your futureproof.
You could have SLI with lets say 2 460's and have around the same power, while saving much more money.
Also a 700 watt PSU is plenty for your needs of being futureproof, after all, technology is only requiring less and less energy.
And you could also save an extra $40 by not having a Blu-ray drive, of course i don't know if you need it or not.