Question CX 430 PSU okay for RX 6650 XT MSI Gaming X


Dec 15, 2017
Title really, I stupidly bought a 6650 for my partner after she got a tower from her family and I didn't fully check the specs, she's got a i7-9700k 32GB ram with a Corsair CX 430w PSU.
I'm planning to undervolt it and will defo get a 600w+ PSU in a couple months when I get a bit more cash.

Thanks in advance and let me know if you need anymore info.
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Title really, I stupidly bought a 6650 for my partner after she got a tower from her family and I didn't fully check the specs, she's got a i7-9700k 32GB ram with a Corsair CX 430w PSU.
I'm planning to undervolt it and will defo get a 600w+ PSU in a couple months when I get a bit more cash.

Thanks in advance and let me know if you need anymore info.
If that is actually a CX430 that is an old PSU from 2011. That PSU should be replaced as soon as possible as it is not meant for modern systems or components. Here is a guide about the Corsair CX series over the years:

Overall the CX series has been better than the CX-M series until the rebuild of the CX-M in 2021. Now they are about equal but still they are budget PSUs. When you get a new PSU, a decent budget PSU is the Corsair RMe series.
Title really, I stupidly bought a 6650 for my partner after she got a tower from her family and I didn't fully check the specs, she's got a i7-9700k 32GB ram with a Corsair CX 430w PSU.
I'm planning to undervolt it and will defo get a 600w+ PSU in a couple months when I get a bit more cash.

Thanks in advance and let me know if you need anymore info.

This was a pretty junky PSU and also has to be at least a decade old. I would not use the GPU at all with this PSU.
Old tech PSUs don't have some of the same protections as newer ones. Not to mention it is more likely to have a catastrophic failure at any point if stressed which could kill the entire system.
Alright thanks for the response, I’ll just bite the bullet and buy a new one, my own mistake for not checking
All of above is excellent advise; but keep this in mind, please - RealHardTech ( ) recommends 550 watts for the entire system with an RX 6600XT, and MSI's own website recommends 500 watt or greater.
A newer CX series (take a look at jeremyj's link) or an RMe or better still RMx would work well. Though slight overkill I found CX-M 650s (the new updated versions) for $80 at Newegg and Best buy - worth shopping around as I didn't go through pcpartpicker, nor look at Amazon.
Hope this helps.