D2 Wrapper


Nov 30, 2012
I'm playing around with nglide today which I normally don't do but it's a slow work day so screw it. Anyway I'm having a little trouble with Diablo 2 LOD. I'm using Zeus nGlide which mentions LOD as one of the games it runs with little to no tweeking and setup seems to go okay and I get the spinning 3DFX logo but when I double click on the icon to start it freezes. I'm wondering if there is something in the nGlide configuration I need to change or maybe the LOD Icon target line? I had to do that with Carmageddon and now it works and looks great. I know this is an older game and this is NOT an urgent request, but any help would be very much appreciated. Oh and happy birthday to Janis Joplin!


Nov 30, 2012
OY, people as stupid as me shouldn't be allowed to live! :pt1cable:

Zeus says to disable "dissable desktop comp" so I did. Or so I thought. I accidentally had the box right next to it checked. Hey it only took me 45 minutes to figure that out!

Oddly enough I still have a problem with the mouse but I think thats because of the type game it is. The screen expands but the mouse only accepts the original designed resolution and wont go to all corners of the screen. Am I right on this?