Question damaged pins/pads on i7 7700, burned? short circuited?


Jul 19, 2012

I was hoping to find answer but coulnd find a relatable topic so i made this.
So, I got this CPU Intel i5 7700, from a friend..who used it for a while then made an upgrade, MBO/CPU, so sent me this CPU, he says have no idea what happend so I cant say first handed what happend to it before hand, as far as I know this couldnt be overclocking issue, the pictures will speak for them selves, I tried the cpu at a friend and it wont boot.

My question is, can anyone guess what happend and can it be repaired?

on the video might be seen better, 5 pins damaged

Two photos (for some reason doesnt allow me to insert image directly, so here is the link)

Thank you!
I think excessive current through the pads could have caused the discoloration.

I think yes, but how was he able run and use the processor all that time? or this could've happend during dismounting? maybe with still connected PSU?
Also its not a discoloration, its that brass or gold plating layer is missing and that grey layer is showing under.