[SOLVED] Damaged RAM slot?

Jun 9, 2021

I've got a Lenovo Thinkpad 13 (Type 20GJCTO1WW) and recently embarked on upgrading my RAM from a lowly 4 GB. Alas, I've hit a roadblock.

I ordered 16 GB from Crucial in a 2 * 8 GB configuration. However, the second RAM slot (previously unused) has some visible corrosion and I believe will not read any RAM (my old 4 GB, and the two new 8's all work individually in the first slot, but I can't get the computer to boot with anything in the second slot).

Grimy 2nd slot (after attempts to clean with alcohol on q tip, paint brush, and alcohol on RAM inserted and removed several times):


Shiny 1st slot:

I can't fathom why the second slot is so gross (I bought the computer in 2016, no water damage ever) but I am wondering what to do from here.
  1. Any further suggestions for cleaning RAM slot contacts? I have read about threading paper but debris isn't the issue here
  2. Would my best bet be to return the 2*8GB and order a 16 GB card to run on the one good slot? Will that work on my machine?
    (there are only a couple of builds with 16GB on UserBenchmark and they seem to be using two sticks)
  3. Any BIOS tricks possible or necessary? Just looking at that slot it seems like it has to be the culprit but who knows.
I tried Revive electrical contact cleaner, repeated removal and insertion of RAM, and a good scrub with a toothbrush but had no luck booting (left one of the 8GB in the 1st slot and tried both the 4GB and other 8GB in the second slot.

I am thinking a single 16GB might be my only option for 16GB RAM - can anyone confirm that my computer will work with a 16GB card?
Crucial thinks that a 16GB stick will work.
It's the leads on the other side that which contact the ram that will be important as far as corrosion is concerned. If they are partially corroded, I would look for "CRC Contact Cleaner" and use that and a qtip. That stuff is amazing--it restored a $150 control board that I had already bought the replacement to. I just used it as a last resort and it worked! Stuff is pretty awesome.

To test, I would put your known working 4GB in that slot until it works. Then I would try the full kit of x2 8GB. Run memtest86 and once everything passes you're done!
I tried Revive electrical contact cleaner, repeated removal and insertion of RAM, and a good scrub with a toothbrush but had no luck booting (left one of the 8GB in the 1st slot and tried both the 4GB and other 8GB in the second slot.

I am thinking a single 16GB might be my only option for 16GB RAM - can anyone confirm that my computer will work with a 16GB card?
I tried Revive electrical contact cleaner, repeated removal and insertion of RAM, and a good scrub with a toothbrush but had no luck booting (left one of the 8GB in the 1st slot and tried both the 4GB and other 8GB in the second slot.

I am thinking a single 16GB might be my only option for 16GB RAM - can anyone confirm that my computer will work with a 16GB card?
Crucial thinks that a 16GB stick will work.