oh Denmark , I though you were in Amsterdam , sorry , I alway get those BeNeLux countries confused.. but prostitution is legal there eh?..I am curious as to the tax rates, and the STD stats ..btw , Some places in America in still have legalized prostitution as well..Nevada , and New Orleans in certain jurisdictions .. and Pot is practically legal in many places now as well, or at least Decriminalized ..I geuss we'll find out if its good or bad after a while.
as for the whole Health Care costs issues ..there are waaay too many factors to put into a forum post , but I can tell ya that lack of Tort reform (which I believe Gulli's country has) is a big factor ..the insurance companies are actually pretty simplistic, all they do is run the numbers, numbers and statistics , that's it, they total up X dollars paid out , and divide the number of policies they got coming in ..and dont be fooled by the BS media ..insurance companies fail all the time, they go bankrupt, go belly up , and disappear. even the greedy stock profit driven ones.. thats the thing no one ever seems to notice when they point the finger at companies and corporations ..the Bad ones will eventually get caught, or the consumer will catch on to them and stop buying from them, and those bad companies wether they treat their employees bad or their customers bad.. they will NOT last ..they WILL go under. happens all the time (excluding taxpyer bailouts of course 😉) ..any good company knows to treat its people good and its customers even better, they know its the ONLY way they will STAY in business.
as for the whole Health Care costs issues ..there are waaay too many factors to put into a forum post , but I can tell ya that lack of Tort reform (which I believe Gulli's country has) is a big factor ..the insurance companies are actually pretty simplistic, all they do is run the numbers, numbers and statistics , that's it, they total up X dollars paid out , and divide the number of policies they got coming in ..and dont be fooled by the BS media ..insurance companies fail all the time, they go bankrupt, go belly up , and disappear. even the greedy stock profit driven ones.. thats the thing no one ever seems to notice when they point the finger at companies and corporations ..the Bad ones will eventually get caught, or the consumer will catch on to them and stop buying from them, and those bad companies wether they treat their employees bad or their customers bad.. they will NOT last ..they WILL go under. happens all the time (excluding taxpyer bailouts of course 😉) ..any good company knows to treat its people good and its customers even better, they know its the ONLY way they will STAY in business.