I currently have a Fios network with the Verizon router's wireless radio disabled, Time Capsule running off a LAN port for wireless and wired to a server computer. I'd like to replace the wired connection to the server with a DD-WRT router. I imagine the way to do that would be to run the DD-WRT router off a different LAN port from the Fios router to the server and still leave the Time Capsule in the router for wireless purposes.
This doesn't seem to be working and I think I'm missing something basic. Any advice would be appreciated.
I currently have a Fios network with the Verizon router's wireless radio disabled, Time Capsule running off a LAN port for wireless and wired to a server computer. I'd like to replace the wired connection to the server with a DD-WRT router. I imagine the way to do that would be to run the DD-WRT router off a different LAN port from the Fios router to the server and still leave the Time Capsule in the router for wireless purposes.
This doesn't seem to be working and I think I'm missing something basic. Any advice would be appreciated.