DDR3 ram timing quick question


Nov 8, 2010
Well this is my ram:


I was wondering if the timings are correct or I can squeeze some more out of it?

Also ganged vs unganged? :V
The SPD is what the chip is "programmed" to do. Your "Auto" settings are what the board automatically reverts to. Basically it looks to me like your ram's timings are off. I'd set to the SPD values, run memtest a few times and make sure the ram is all stable and go from there.

I found this in a post from 2010 here on TH forums by evongugg ...

"If you are running multi threaded applications you need to be in unganged mode, this is the fastest way of running the system.

ganged mode is 1x128bit dual channel

unganged is 2x64 bit dual channel

Ganged mode is often the default BIOS setting and is considered to be better for single-threaded applications, while unganged can provide better performance in multi-threaded applications...


Nov 13, 2012
The SPD is what the chip is "programmed" to do. Your "Auto" settings are what the board automatically reverts to. Basically it looks to me like your ram's timings are off. I'd set to the SPD values, run memtest a few times and make sure the ram is all stable and go from there.

I found this in a post from 2010 here on TH forums by evongugg ...

"If you are running multi threaded applications you need to be in unganged mode, this is the fastest way of running the system.

ganged mode is 1x128bit dual channel

unganged is 2x64 bit dual channel

Ganged mode is often the default BIOS setting and is considered to be better for single-threaded applications, while unganged can provide better performance in multi-threaded applications. Some initial testing was performed in both modes, with results indicating that neither really provided a large overall advantage. Unganged mode offered a slight edge in applications and games, while ganged mode took a few wins and provided much higher memory bandwidth scores in the Synthetic Sandra VII benchmark. So, while there may be specific applications for which one mode provides a real advantage over the other, overall, at least in our tests, effects are minimal. "

Unless you're running a single core for your system; it's probably best to leave it as unganged as it's easier for multiple threads to work with the ram.


Nov 8, 2010

So what values would you set the spd to? The vendors page says 9-9-9-27 for 1600mhz. and I really don't know is lower or higher better :V


Nov 13, 2012
SPD is read from the chip; so you already have a list there. For the most part, with memory the lower the numbers, the better the timing. If the chips SPD is reading 9-9-9-24; then try it. Run memtest386 for a while to make sure the ram is nice and stable.