Aug 3, 2019
Hi guys,
I bought a brand new ssd to replace my PS3 hard drive, installed the PS3 firmware without issues, but when I was restoring the backup from the original PS3 HDD it crashed at 30%.

My hard Kingston A400 240GB SSD seems dead.
It only shows up on windows 10 after running windows memory diagnostics and when it shows up it's like this.

Unknown, uninitialized and 0 allocated disk space no partition.

Tried dskpart with the following commands:
select disk
select disk 2
clean all (Virtual Disk Service error: information is outdated)
convert gpt (nothing)
Convert mbr (nothing)
create partition primary size=220

(DiskPart has referenced an object which is not up-to-date.
Refresh the object by using the RESCAN command.
If the problem persists exit DiskPart, then restart DiskPart or restart the

Event log:

It seems to be readonly.
Is the ssd bricked?
Is there any way to fixe it?
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"a brand new ssd " is still under warranty. Start the RMA process with Kingston, and get a replacement.
If the SSD is indeed bricked that's what I'll do. But if there's any way of saving it through software I'd love to get some insight in order to avoid starting the RMA process.
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Connect it to some other system.
Connect it with a USB SATA dock.

If it fails in another system, it is probably dead.
I tried with a Ugreen Sata to USB adapter in my desktop, same issue. It only shoed up after running windows Memory diagnostics and the same issue it's in read only mode, no allocated space. Same issues in diskpart.

Inserted it in an Old 2008 HP laptop tried to install windows 7 and no hard frio detected.
I Now the PS3 firmware / OS ia based on FreeBSD couldn't that have locked the SSD when the backup restore froze at 30%?
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I had something liike that with my ssd. I fixed it by enabling raid temporarily in the bios, adding the ssd to an array then deleted it. Once I booted back to windows it was fine. If that sounds too complicated just return it.