Question Dead SSD?

Jul 16, 2024

In december my girlfriend got me a external T9 samsung ssd for christmas.
It has been working normally untill the last month, it seemed to be really slow in running / copying things unto the drive so I did a test to see what the write / reading speeds where.
In stead of the 2GB+ speeds it should get, its only reading and writing around 35 MB / sec, I removed everything off the drive yesterday ( that took forever) and reformatted it today hoping that would fix the issue but sadly it hasnt.

I am running chkdsk /f /r /x atm but looks like thats gonna take all day and fear I might have jumped the gun on starting that but it seems unsafe to stop it now, even on a empty SSD?

What can I do at this stage?
ISTM that the drive is running at USB 2.0 speeds. Perhaps there is a problem with the USB 3 signalling pins?? Have you tried a different cable or USB port?

Can you show us a SMART report?

You could run the extended self-test in GSmartControl (Self-tests ->Test type -> Extended Self-test). This should run wholly within the drive, without any data transfer over SATA/PCIe or USB. It will test every block.
Last edited:
Jul 16, 2024
I tried different cable and other USB ports (all 3.0) that used to give the full speed in the past.
No changes.

I dont think I can test anything at the moment with chkdsk running, more then 2 hours in and only at 11% of stage 1...
When I look under devices it also no longer shows the 2 TB and a access denied when I try to double click the drive, i can only only assume that will be back to normal once chkdsk is done?
Or is there a way to safely stop chkdsk from running or is there no risk considering the drive is empty anyway, just dont wanna void warranty.