[SOLVED] Deciding on a Gaming Laptop for travel


Nov 5, 2014
the two models i am deciding on are:
I have heard great things about the Helios 300 and its performance as well as its cost. However upon further searching the i7-9750h doesn't seem to behave much differently
from the previous i7-8750h. this is when I investigated this older alienware model. It sports the aforementioned i7-8750h, the same 16gb of 2666mhz ram as the helios, a 1660ti 6gb, and instead of the 512gb NvMe ssd that the Helios has, the Alienware has a 256gb PCI-e as well as a 1TB HDD. Both are 144hz 3ms displays at 15.6".

I guess my question comes down to which people would choose. The main reason I pit these two against each other is the build quality as the alienware is thinner and made of sturdier materials; and the alienware is 100$ cheaper though it sports a 1660ti versus the rtx 2060 of the Helios (but from everything I've watched and read, the 2060 isn't worth the upgrade.)

Let me know your thoughts and opinions! I will be order one of these in the next 12 hours! Thanks.
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I’d go by reviews and read as many as you can find. The specs are similar but a critical point cannot be seen in the specs and that is how well they keep the cpu and gpu cool. It’s pointless having a more powerful cpu and gpu if they constantly thermal throttle and this is a problem with many gaming laptops. It’s impossible to go by specs alone.

My experience even in gaming laptop which i have been using, I can never bring CPU temperature down below 95 Degree if you set your game the highest setting, that what i experience. I always set Medium to play games so that temerature is always below 90 Degree.

My HP Omen 15 has Intel i7 Gen 9 and RTX 2060 actualy and playing in room temperature set the GPU the highest setting will...
the two models i am deciding on are:
I have heard great things about the Helios 300 and its performance as well as its cost. However upon further searching the i7-9750h doesn't seem to behave much differently
from the previous i7-8750h. this is when I investigated this older alienware model. It sports the aforementioned i7-8750h, the same 16gb of 2666mhz ram as the helios, a 1660ti 6gb, and instead of the 512gb NvMe ssd that the Helios has, the Alienware has a 256gb PCI-e as well as a 1TB HDD. Both are 144hz 3ms displays at 15.6".

I guess my question comes down to which people would choose. The main reason I pit these two against each other is the build quality as the alienware is thinner and made of sturdier materials; and the alienware is 100$ cheaper though it sports a 1660ti versus the rtx 2060 of the Helios (but from everything I've watched and read, the 2060 isn't worth the upgrade.)

Let me know your thoughts and opinions! I will be order one of these in the next 12 hours! Thanks.

Get Hellios 300....beter CPU and GPU......
I’d go by reviews and read as many as you can find. The specs are similar but a critical point cannot be seen in the specs and that is how well they keep the cpu and gpu cool. It’s pointless having a more powerful cpu and gpu if they constantly thermal throttle and this is a problem with many gaming laptops. It’s impossible to go by specs alone.
I’d go by reviews and read as many as you can find. The specs are similar but a critical point cannot be seen in the specs and that is how well they keep the cpu and gpu cool. It’s pointless having a more powerful cpu and gpu if they constantly thermal throttle and this is a problem with many gaming laptops. It’s impossible to go by specs alone.

My experience even in gaming laptop which i have been using, I can never bring CPU temperature down below 95 Degree if you set your game the highest setting, that what i experience. I always set Medium to play games so that temerature is always below 90 Degree.

My HP Omen 15 has Intel i7 Gen 9 and RTX 2060 actualy and playing in room temperature set the GPU the highest setting will always abouve 95 Degree.

And my experience is also the same as my other friends gaming laptop. thats why we never set the Hight graphic setting.
My experience even in gaming laptop which i have been using, I can never bring CPU temperature down below 95 Degree if you set your game the highest setting, that what i experience. I always set Medium to play games so that temerature is always below 90 Degree.

My HP Omen 15 has Intel i7 Gen 9 and RTX 2060 actualy and playing in room temperature set the GPU the highest setting will always abouve 95 Degree.

And my experience is also the same as my other friends gaming laptop. thats why we never set the Hight graphic setting.
There are some good ones but they are usually very expensive. My laptop has a i7 9750H and RTX2060. The gpu runs at about 80-85c but the cpu is usually >95c. If you reduce game settings you will increase the FPS, this will cause the cpu to run hotter. If you want to reduce cpu temperatures the options are using an FPS limiter or undervolting the cpu or putting a power limi on the cpu.
Mine has the same spec as yours, and I wrote wrong information, The CPU is always above 95 Degree if I set to high setting in Graphics, the GPU stays high on 85 Degree...., I am trying to decide if I need to change the thermal paste to Liquid metal, Saw on you tube they gave good result, what do you think