[SOLVED] Deco X20 fast ethernet turtle speed wireless


Apr 21, 2018
I have fiber optics, ethernet gives me 600/600 up/dn, however when switching to wireless, cant get above 170/160

This is the same as my old service that could not get above 150dn (15up) standard.

I did not see an option to change the channel. The router is 15ft from my current device, so interference is not an issue.

Any other suggestions. I know 170+/up/dn is great, but I paid for 600/up/dn. I know wireless may not get that high, but 200-300 should be fair.

I did update the wireless nic (its a ceturion 6205 - old I know. But did not see any restrictions on it).

suggestions? Thanks!!
What do you mean you didn't see restrictions on it. That card is a old 802.11n

If you get 170 out of it I am actually surprised. All the numbers you see on wifi are marketing lie numbers.

The marketing guys would call a gigabit ethernet cable 2gbit because they would add transmit and receive speed together. Unlike wifi ethernet can actually transmit 1gbit up and 1gbit down at the same time.

You "might" get 300 if both your router and your card had 802.11ac. These have lie numbers in the 1200-1450 range.

The only way you get 600 is to buy the high end wifi6 stuff. The deco router you have is garbage does not support 160mhz wide channels and that is the key feature that makes it faster than 802.11ac.

So if...
What do you mean you didn't see restrictions on it. That card is a old 802.11n

If you get 170 out of it I am actually surprised. All the numbers you see on wifi are marketing lie numbers.

The marketing guys would call a gigabit ethernet cable 2gbit because they would add transmit and receive speed together. Unlike wifi ethernet can actually transmit 1gbit up and 1gbit down at the same time.

You "might" get 300 if both your router and your card had 802.11ac. These have lie numbers in the 1200-1450 range.

The only way you get 600 is to buy the high end wifi6 stuff. The deco router you have is garbage does not support 160mhz wide channels and that is the key feature that makes it faster than 802.11ac.

So if you "really" want 600mbps I would start over and buy a router and nic card that can really support it. I would buy wifi6e since that can use the 6ghz radios and it does not have all the issue getting a 160mhz wide block.

Before you spend money though think very carefully why do you really need fast internet. Pretty much the only thing it helps it to reduce downloads of very large files. So you have to look at how many minutes a month you actually save doing down loads and compare that to the costs of upgrading the wifi.
Could you plug in the ethernet when you really had a need for high bandwidth.

Having more bandwidth than a application needs does not make it faster. Something like netflix 4k video only uses about 25mbps and having a larger connection will not make it run any differently. Most other application use far far less than even netflix.
When you switched to the wireless network adapter on your device did you disable the wired network adapter?

= = ==

Lots of variables involved:

Make and model modem, router, modem/router (if combined)?

Any repeaters, access points - make model?

What is your wireless environment:

Residential, commercial, rural,

Lots of nearby neighbors, dorm, business park.

Any nearby military facilities, industrial zones, airports?

Construction: wood, cinder block, dimensions/distances?

How many network devices: wired, wireless?
thanks for that super informative. I mean ok for my laptop which is a Lenovo W530 - which I am happy with, had it for years, and for the cost and what it can do, it works fine for me. YES I know that nic card is old, however, the image speeds are from a 5gb (not the 2g which is around 50Mbs

what I want is to be able to keep over 150+ 2.5g, currently it stays around 50 on 2.5

I agree with everything you said - thus why I came here to you pro's!! Get me on the straight and narrow
So if you "really" want 600mbps I would start over and buy a router and nic card that can really support it.
Do you have a recommendation? Don't need all of the 600/600, as if I need that I can just plug in the ethernet.

Before you spend money though think very carefully why do you really need fast internet.
Yup, hundreds of years old thought LOL - Huge gamer, steam mostly, so always downloading crazy huge games - hate waiting. Example: 2077 35gb! And my other system I use as a server for my webpages and online games (but that one is hooked to the ethernet, so doesn't really suffer any speed problems.

The deco router you have is garbage
TOTALLY AGREE!!! OMG never saw anything as trashy, the setup alone is annoying (future buyers note), you have to log in with a device or ios!! Otherwise, you cannot do anything with it. Anyways, it is just a temp for the service (rental) till I get a good one. Which is what I am hoping for suggestions
I would see if you can find a router and more important a nic card that will fit in your laptop that are wifi6e. Most these device are less than a year old so they still get big money for them. Wifi6e should be massively better than what we have today.
The main problem with wifi is not so much the technology it is that there is so little bandwidth and you have lots of neighbors all trying to use it. The added 6g radio band has almost 10 times the current bandwidth so more room for people to coexist.

What I would actually do is look for a 802.11ac wifi card that will fit in your laptop that has a "1200" number. This is them being stupid and adding 300 on 2.4 and 900 on 5g even though you can't actually use both bands at the same time. Even the 900 is a lie, the real number is 867.
Since your deco box will drop back and also support this speed you should get around 300 on the 5g band.

More the comment on download speed is related to paying extra for the internet connection. If you actually do the math and figure out how many minutes per month you save on a faster connection and the figure out how much extra per minute you are spending. It tends to be you can buy another game every month by waiting a few minutes longer.
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Very true on the last statement. The only reason I switched was
highspeed up/dn, free static ip, customer service is amazing all this for $30(USD) LESS than for something less through my prev. and they will only give you under 5mps up.

I have to check, but if I have a 4wire 2x2 in my mobo, I should be able to upgrade that to a 2.5/5g nic. If not I'll just have to settle.

I'll see what I find during the weekend and post results. Shouldn't be too hard. (I think LOL)

Thanks again!
OK found this: For Wireless-AC 7265 Intel 7265D2W 2.4G/5Ghz 802.11ac BT 4.0 MINI PCI-E Card
or this: 600Mbps Wireless USB Wifi Adapter Dongle Dual Band 2.4G/5GHz W/Antenna 802.11AC

would either of those be sufficient? The first one is internal - will fit in laptop, and the other is a USB antenna

It all depends on how hard it is to put the card in the laptop. Some you take off one little panel others you must do massive disassembly.

The internal cards tend to be better. You have larger antenna behind the screen of the laptop and unlike USB cards the internal cards transmit at full power. Some USB cards do not you have to really search to see how much power they put out.
O I tear laptops apart all the time - the worst one was changing a fan in an HP DV7 1020US wow, that was just nuts. They are crazy cheap, so I'll grab the dongle first and see what kind of improvement it has. If it gets around 200+ I'll most likely get internal and that should do the trick for me.
Thanks for the insight, very helpful and informative!!
some combos(so far): All tested on preferred 5g
fiber optic service
deko x20 + ethernet: results: 550+/550+ up/dn
deko x20 + 600Mbps Wireless USB Wifi Adapter Dual Band 2.4G/5GHz W/Antenna 802.11AC
result: nothing above 90Mbs
deko x20 + centurion 6205 Results: 180-190Mbps

Tenda AC1200 Dual Band MU-MIMO(AC6) + ethernet 600+/600+ up/dn
Tenda AC1200 Dual Band MU-MIMO(AC6) + 600Mbps Wireless USB Wifi Adapter Dual Band 2.4G/5GHz W/Antenna 802.11AC
result: same 65+Mbps - 75Mbps (horrid speeds)
Tenda AC1200 Dual Band MU-MIMO(AC6) +centurion 6205 Result: 90+Mbps

The Tenda was on special so picked it up. Had all the suggested requirements. However, I have no luck with it. I get much greater speeds with the dek0 x20 and my original laptop than any other modern combo. I think I am doing something incorrectly, or that 6205 is not that bad. The USB I am sure is not the best connection, but still should blow my centurion out of the wanter, yet is it is worse.

Let me know if I might be missing something - the testing area is all within 15ft. with zero interference anywhere. Because I am positive I gotta be missing something LOL.

It is acting like it is connecting on the 2.4g radio. Make sure you use different SSID for 2.4 and 5g so you can force it.

Next what exact usb nic card did you get. 600 might mean it is 150 on 2.4 and 433 on 5g. Your router is 300 on 2.4 and 867 on 5g. You might get 200 at the best if the top speed is 433. To get 300 you will need at least the 867 number.
It would be very common to only get 75mbps when the data encoding rate is 150. You seldom get 1/2 of these numbers because they are adding transmit to receive speeds even though on wifi you can't actually send and receive at the same instant.

Check the status and see the connection speed. This is not really the speed but the encoding being used. What I suspect you will find is you are either on the 2.4g radio or your router is not using 80mhz channels on the 5g band which will drop it to 150 or 200 depending on details.

If possible force the router to use 80mhz wide channels. Otherwise try to changing the channel numbers and see if it works differently. Not all routers work the same but 42 is the center of the lowest 80mhz band.
Ok, made some changes - TENDA is still not doing well, however surprisingly, the Deco + USB worked satisfactorily.

Centuion + Deco x20 forced 5g

USB + Deco
USB = https://amazon.com/gp/product/B07V4R3QHW
Update: Made change Wireless mode to: IEEE 802.11a/n/ac
Results - big change!


NETWORK MODE: 11a/n/ac
CH: 153
Wireless Band: 80
Wireless is many times just a matter of playing around with the settings until it runs.

300mbps is about the best you can hope for with the technology you have.

Not sure why the tenda is so slow it also should be able to get the 300mbps. I would look at the status when you are connecting to the Deco and the tenda and see if you can find anything different. Then again if you can get the deco to work consistently it maybe good enough.
Wireless is many times just a matter of playing around with the settings until it runs.

300mbps is about the best you can hope for with the technology you have.

Not sure why the tenda is so slow it also should be able to get the 300mbps. I would look at the status when you are connecting to the Deco and the tenda and see if you can find anything different. Then again if you can get the deco to work consistently it maybe good enough.

Im with you though, I am NOT a fan of the Deco. There is just not enough freedom to make settings. but your right, tinkering may work with the TENDA, its SHOULD be outperforming the Deco.

thanks for chatting and giving me ideas. I will prob go in search of a better model. TENDA is a lower end, but it seems to be rated good for the price. And 300 is MORE than satisfactory for the net. With your help, I come a long way, the 50+Mbps was just horrid