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<> wrote in message
> That cpo is a cheap repo mr. know-it-all.Not original.
> Think before you speak next time.
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wow... this thread as really turned into a beat on the stupid moron
thread.... I love it... god he IS a stupid moron...
(flanning the flames here... I excpect him to come back and challenge me to
another fight.... ooohhhhhh.....)
<> wrote in message
>I have a dedicated mortal kombat 2 arcade machine for sale in excellent
> condition if anyone is interested.$1250 gets it.
> Thanx
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Whoa Francis lay off the big stick a bit... it's got ya all tight in
the rear! LOL If that's what a MK2 is worth in AZ then I say the most
recent heat wave has done more damage to your brain that I thought.
Well at least we know what your name is now. Gotta run and add
Francis's email address to my blacklist.