Dell Aims to Free "Netbook" for All

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Psion OS sucks and havent done anything for about a decade. And no matter what they do , people will always call those mini budget laptops "netbooks". So dell shouldn't waste time with all that crap.
Didn't Dell try to trademark "Cloud Computing" or something like that, even though their own products have nothing to do with "cloud computing" as we know it?

People think of tissues as Kleenex. People think of cotton swabs as Q-Tips. These are examples where trademark has strengthened a product image. Psion doesn't even have products, so how they can make a claim to "netBook" is beyond me.
YOu can strip trademarks. It actually boils down to did they defend it in the beggining. If the firts real netbooks carried the name and Symbian didnt sue them they in essence let the trademark go. They have to sue everyone that uses the term to hold the trademark. Thus when Trump tried to Trademark "Your Fired" he lost as he was instantly sued by a small pottery shop in the midwest called "Your fired".
[citation][nom]Maxor127[/nom]In essence, this means Dell is too dumb, lazy, and uncreative to think of a different name.[/citation]

Either that, or Dell is fighting for the entire market's rights to use the name of their product's markets alongside their product?
It's irresponsible for the media to willingly flaunt a trademark. It's a slippery slope; if the media isn't willing to abide by intellectual property law, doesn't it stand that they have to footing for attempting to enforce their own intellectual property rights?
Intellectual property rights are stupid. Too much is done today in the name of preserving "IP". If people weren't so unwilling to share knowledge and information (due to greed) industry would really boom and the human experience would be enriched for everybody. There was a time when only the elite could read the bible...
Hey lonewaffle can you send me all your money since most bussness is based around IP in someform im sure your paycheck is aswell. UNLESS you live with mom and dad and are to lazy to get work.
It's a valid trademark, and Psion netBooks were still on the market as recently as 2005, while they were also using the name for accessories to the line. The term "netbook" didn't catch on with the tech media until just last year, so Psion could have conceivably been evaluating their legal options before acting. I doubt you can "fail to defend" a trademark in the space of a single year and lose all rights to it, that'd place a prohibitive burden on the trademark's owner.
Humans ... how stupid can you be not to be able to use a word ... wow powerfull invention .. a stupid word let`s trade mark it fast make some $$ later.
[citation][nom]ohim[/nom]Humans ... how stupid can you be not to be able to use a word ... wow powerfull invention .. a stupid word let`s trade mark it fast make some $$ later.[/citation]
You can use the word "netbook" all you like, as a consumer. If you try to market a product called a "netbook," however, that's when you start running afoul of IP laws. It's called a trademark. Imagine if any comic book publisher were allowed to create any new crime fighter and call it "Batman," with the Batman logo and everything?
[citation][nom]WheelsOfConfusion[/nom]You can use the word "netbook" all you like, as a consumer. If you try to market a product called a "netbook," however, that's when you start running afoul of IP laws. It's called a trademark. Imagine if any comic book publisher were allowed to create any new crime fighter and call it "Batman," with the Batman logo and everything?[/citation]

thank you for the comment and helping eliminate some stupid comments..

no comment is clearer than this one..
So, is psion going to sue all people who use the word 'netbook' wrong?
Try to find me! 😛
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