Dell laptop optical drive not detected

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Sep 12, 2010
Hello everybody,

I tried to install a firmware upgrade for my Dell Studio Laptop 1535's CD/DVD drive and it failed. I followed the instructions carefully and restarted the laptop when I had to. However, when it rebooted, it wanted to search for the software but couldn't find it in the end. This is when I noticed I didn't have access to the cd drive no matter what I tried. I even tried reinstalling the update to no avail. I also checked the device manager and it showed a yellow exclamation mark next to the optical drive. I tried updating it from device manager but that did not work either. How can I get my cd/dvd drive to work again?

The name of my drive is TS-T633A 12.7mm Slotload 8x DVDR/. I am also using Windows Vista SP2 Home Premium. Thanks for your help.


Sep 12, 2010

I uninstalled the drive and then restarted the laptop, and now the cd/dvd drive works just fine. However, when I turn on my laptop, it asks me if I want to search automatically for updated driver software. When I choose to install the software, it says it can't find it and asks me to insert the disk for the TS-T633A drive. I don't have a disk though. At least the drive works now, but I have to choose the 'ask me again option' because the 'dont ask me about this device again' option will disable the drive until I uninstall the drive and restart the computer again.

Is there anyway I can disable these messages from popping up everytime I turn on my computer? Thanks for your help.
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