Dell optiplex 7010 DT

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If that is a 270 watt power supply, it will work fine with the nVidia 1030 card. The issue you may have is the motherboard, it's an older OEM one and those do not work well with all video cards, especially new models. You may want to check with MSI support to see what the requirements for the 1030 card are
u mean how much power it can give pcie slot? its can give 50 or 75w im sure. and card need 30w or what else can be problem?


Not just the power, the fact that it's an older motherboard and an OEM one at that. The BIOS and motherboard PCIe slot can keep the card from running. Newer cards have more issues in older motherboards in general, and OEM motherboards were never built with very good expansion capability in mind. An older card from near when the computer was released may do better in that system.

U know any, old, completetive good and sheap card? 40-90e? Can be used.

Nothing as fast as a 1030 that will fit in a desktop case and on a weaker power supply. Something like a GT 730 GDD3 will work but it's quite a bit slower than the 1030. A GTX 750Ti may run in the system and there are smaller models of that, there are many posts of them running on 250 watt power supplies so 270 may work for that. Although I would not do that myself. I'd want a 300 watt PSU for a 750 Ti.

thanks, i take GT 730 thats good for me. And i thin i can install this system windows 10 Without proplems. And i take this memory too . And i hope this pc work.
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