Dell S2209 W/S2309W


Nov 9, 2008
I was just wondering what everyone here thought about the new Dell 22" S2209W Monitor or the Dell 23" S2309W Monitor?

Here are links to each:


What I have now:
Sony SDM-S51 15" 1024 x 768 monitor with I think a 10 or 20 ms refresh time, I'm not really sure. So far I have had no complaints with it and got it back in 2002.

So to go back to the Dell's, what are your impressions about them. Both monitors look pretty good spec wise, as both have 1920 x 1080 resolution, 5ms refresh time, and 1000:1 contrast ratio. Either one would be a HUGE step up for me, and would get one if I ended up building a new computer.

I don't think I really need a 2ms refresh time and don't know if there is a large difference between 2ms and 5ms. I would want it for games and general school work, but I don't really play intense first person shooters, probably slower things such as MMO's. Again, I've had an old 20ms response monitor and haven't really noticed it while playing CounterStrike and stuff. Would I really be able the bump in speed?

I definitely want 1920 x 1080 resolution because that seems to be the norm for all the reviews on Tom's and I want to be brought up to speed with modern hardware. So far these are the most attractive screens that have this resolution.

I don't really need top of the line, I just want to make sure I get good colors. They both say they display 16.7 Million colors.

The 22" says it is a Twisted Nematic display. I'm not really sure if that is even a big deal as all the specs are exactly the same between the two besides that. Is it worth paying $60 more for the screen not being TN? Otherwise 22" is plenty for me.

Overall I like the styling of both the models with the simple look and glossy frame. Should I get the 23" just to not have a TN screen? Are there any others that I should look at around the same price?


Nov 9, 2008
Ok, thanks for that info.

So if they are both twisted nematic displays is there some huge downside because of that? Does the 22" have any big flaw that you see that would be a big problem for my uses? And the big question, is it a good buy?


I got the Dell S2309W 23" monitor 9/15/09. It's ok for downloading tv programs. Set up was easy. But it's colors are not vivid and I suffer eye strain when reading text on it. (No problems reading text on my old Gateway monitor.) Viewing angles are EXTREMELY narrow. The base is big and clumsy requiring additional two inches of accomodating space between the back of the monitor and the wall immediately behind it. When I called Dell to return it, they offered me a subtstantial additional discount to keep it. It's now selling at $160 with free freight. I suspect Dell is not proud of this monitor. Sorry I can not recommend it if you do a lot of text reading, word processing and spread sheet work.