Congrats and thanks again for your continuous, voluntary, reliably-dependable, sub-conscious and especially in this week's historically insignificant instance Your inpatient and passionate participation in:
"Eternally Distracted Sheeple - Sustained by Sh!tty Fodder from Greedy Farmers"
It's NOT AN ART! It is Science, Social Engineering, Years of Persistent, Neural++
RE-Programming, behavior modification, positive and negative sanctions, etc., etc.,
PERSONALIZATION: Promoting, Procuring, Providing "Personalized Power Products" to Multiple Massive Markets - Irregardless of the Socio-Economic Demographics by EMPLOYING THE UBER-EGO...
Sharing is caring and caring is sharing,
SO...Let's end all that silliness and all get sorted right now....
UNDERSTAND, and accept these simple Rules, we all PASS with BONUS Points!
Rule#2: QUALITY then Quantity.
Rule#3: Live, Laugh, Love
Rule#4: 10000x7000 (IMAX)
*I took a few minutes to really research this, for my own agenda
(Perceived Needs/Wants) VERSUS (Actual Needs/Wants).
A few minutes turned into several hours and a savings of several thousand dollars much better understanding. Additionally - A sincere thank you to ALL Y'ALL.
I thought I knew, that what I knew, was correct and true, pausing to check my facts stopped my ignorance in it's tracks and availed me the opportunity to learn as well as urge all of you to spend a few minutes fact checking yourself and the other interested parties.
With my High and Mighty Attitude of Gratitude - Peace out!