Dem bones



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The latest human ranger has found 5 bones files so far.

Minetown was a quadruple bones file - all wizards named N. One was
killed by a unicorn next to the up stairs, one was killed by the priest
of Anhur in the altar room, one was killed by a soldier ant outside the
throne room and the final one killed by a beetle in a shop. The pile
of scrolls, potions, wands, rings and gems is very impressive - also
two magic markers and two concave amulets which I have yet to identify.
And of course 4 CoMRs

Back in the main dungeon I found another bones pile next to an altar on
dlvl 5. Shawn the wizard had been killed by a homonculous while

This is by far the greatest number of bones files I've found in a
single game - and I've not even been below dlvl 5 yet! What's the most
that other people have found?

Archived from groups: (More info?)

Darth. wrote:
> The latest human ranger has found 5 bones files so far.


> This is by far the greatest number of bones files I've found in a
> single game - and I've not even been below dlvl 5 yet! What's the
> that other people have found?

The most I have found is only three, but in a single-user computer.
The three graves were in the same room, and the three characters died
for different reasons. There were many rather useful items in
the piles, but nothing *very* useful, except a Coat of Magic
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On 4/1/05 4:28 PM, Manuel wrote:

> The most [bones files] I have found is only three, but in a
> single-user computer.

I seem to recall a spoiler somewhere that discussed the number of bones
levels available on a multi-user system as opposed to on a single-user
system. I think the upshot was that there's probably little difference
in the number of files you'd get in a single game, since more bones
would be left, but more would also be being picked up by other people.
In fact, there may be fewer bones available if you're playing with other
people who ascend regularly, since they'd be picking up bones and not
leaving any whenever they did ascend.

Kevin Wayne

"I came to Casablanca for the waters."
"Waters? What waters? We're in the desert?"
"I was misinformed."