@ap90033: If your ATI card is one of the latests models, maybe is not supported yet, but I assure you it will be soon. I use Ubuntu 9.04 on a very old Pentium M laptop with ATI 9200 with 64 MB RAM and I can work and play a lot of games (even Windows games) so be patient and research on your ATI Chipset (get the name of it) post it here I'll try to help.
@add2700 : Ubuntu 32 bit & Windows 32 bit only recognize 3 GB RAM, Ubuntu 64 bit and Windows 64 bit support 4 GB and up to whatever your money can get.
AFAIK all the RAM in all the computers in the world put together don't reach the top limit of the actual 64 bit processors (as Daggs explains or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exabyte)
@lbarriau: You don't have to type one single line to install anything. Open Synaptic package manager, and install what you need from the list. All free, you don't have to go download nothing, it's all done for you. You don't have to open a terminal or edit any code, no more. It is like a Mac as I said, but better because it's all free, all the software you might need to work everyday. Is not like on Windows (but you can if you want) that you need to search all over the internet for software to install. Not anymore, is all done for you on no more than 3 or 4 clicks of your mouse.
@warezme: If you can buy that hardware for play, man, buy Windows too. Anyways you got that machine to play Windows games. Go Windows and pay so you can play. Ubuntu is for normal people. If I had that machine... I would install Gentoo and it would be awesome! But then again I'm a power user in many OS's as I said b4.
@xx66xx: The only company left with closed drivers is NVIDIA. ATI and Intel have open source drivers, meaning the code is available for you to use and modify if you need it (and if you know how of course). The only thing I can explain about the free software movement is, it's FREE as FREEDOM, not only as free of charge. All the licenses it might contain (BSD, GPL, etc) are there for your protection, so you don't have the FBI on your door because you are using a pirated version of XP or Vista, that are not free, of course.
My best advice to you all is, give it a try, if it works on your computer, congrats! You will fall in love I'm sure. If it doesn't work on your hardware, then you have to wait maybe a couple of months (maybe more if it's too new) so try it later if you still have that splinter in your mind.
Don't be ashamed if you feel ignorant or afraid to try something new. This is like free pizza, it might not have the ingredient you always ask for, but if you don't try it you won't know. Remember that saying about "Nothing is really free"? Well, this IS really FREE
How can you say NO to FREE! cmon!
I still like Windows, I'm waiting to see how Windows 7 works (right now it might not work on warezme hardware because is still too buggy) but looks promising. I won't buy it, but I might recommend it to any of my Windows customers. I love Mac OS X, it's so beautiful, but I won't buy a Mac. Steve Jobs and Steve Ballmer will always find a way to get more money out of your pockets, and I ain't giving them nothing. My 2 cents.