Question Desktop turns on everywhere except my house

Mar 24, 2023
I have a PC with Intel Core i3 4130 and Gigabyte H81M Motherboard which was running for 2 years without a single problem. I have UPS also.

But suddenly it stopped working in my home. I took it in PC Shop but there it turned on without an error. Then I returned home and turned on, OMG it worked. But the next day, it didn't start. I have tried almost all neighbors, PC turned on in every house, but not in my house. I tried different plugs, power cables, multiplugs and so on. My home voltage is also 220V constant. What is the problem then? How it can be fixed? Help mee....
replace the CMOS battery of the motherboard. Because of the age of the motherboard, the CMOS battery could be low on voltage and prevent the motherboard from powering on correctly

eventually unplug the ups and try without
might be a PSU problem, which sometimes can power up and sometimes not -> replace the power supply