DFI ICFX3200 (RD600) T2R/G Information

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And that is as good as it gets boys... 511Mhz FSB is actually the limit in BIOS, and it wont clockgen much higher after it.
The good thing is that multiplier doesnt seem to be a problem anymore, but max FSB (at least in the first revision). So if youve got a x9+ conroe, rejoice.
SuperPI performance is a bit buggy, but 3D and memory performance are awesome.
Yeah, I say Anand should have the review tomorrow at the latest.

511 FSB is plenty for most I agree, plus you can push the ram as far as you can since it's a true async, should be a fun board
511 FSB is plenty for most I agree
Not for me it isnt...
The good thing is that there are many factors that indicate that this will be improved in upcoming BIOS revision, the fact that the max in BIOS is reachable even by high multiplier CPUs is the strongest one of them.
Yeah just get a higher multi CPU :lol:, e6600 @ 4.5 should be good enough for me

One of the cool thing is that this board apparently does the same on 2meg and 4meg, which is not always the case for 680i.

And that 1T performance is really good and can get all the way to 900mhz CL4 is pretty sweet.
Very Important Post

FSB will be 511....no changes annouced

Originally Posted by marauder16
does Oscar plan to raise the FSB limit in the future BIOSes (just curious, not that I need it)
Originally Posted by Tony
I VERY much doubt it


Originally Posted by bingo13
There is no default timing on this board, everything is open for change. Actually, I am running the board/memory on its ragged edge at those settings. I would have been surprised if it had past Orthos or SuperPI but I was surprised that anything else we threw at the board ran perfectly, 26 different games, seven synthetic benches, nine different audio/video applications, a dose of Office 2007, and just for fun watching a little Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby on a Plextor Blu-ray drive this evening while downloading 8GB of data off the server.

By the way, I am running audio, RAID 0, X1950 CrossFire, and have an external hard drive attached to the number 5 USB port and another one on the Firewire port transferring our test scripts in the background. While it failed Orthos at those settings, it has not even blipped while doing application work. I am finding that this chipset performs best with high memory speeds above 1100 with 4-4-4-12 timings better than my 866 3-3-3-6 1T timings in applications but not in SuperPI.

Good News for people looking for choices

Asus is now almost complete with its almost top secret Asus RD600/Intel board...so the DFI RD600 wont be the only Ati/Intel mobo. Another link

Bad News for people looking to get this board on the 15th

Originally Posted by xgman
Just speaking with DFI they are telling me that the boards first shipment in the usa won't be till around January 10th. I had hoped it would be sooner.

Originally Posted by Tony
Who did you speak with?

I just got off a call with DFI USA in an attempt to settle this argument of will there or won't there be boards. This is what I know.

They have a sample run made, these boards should hit the USA before Xmas, this is like the 975 infinity where 30 boards or so shipped.

Now...there are some tweaks to be made, this was the whole point of 4 people getting the board to test. These should be just bios issues though so no hold up is expected on this first small shipment.

Final run will be made soon and these board will be available in the new year, this was always the case for absolute mass production boards and not the pilot run.

I hope this settles the will there or the won't there be...all being well there will be a small shipment as i have been saying all along, if something serious turns up though there could be a small delay which would push things back to the new year.

~30 boards this year....Mass production boards won't be out until the new year.
Oh the decisions we must make, E6600 or E6700.... if 550FSB is on tap, I say E6600. Let's push it so far towards the edge that if the wind blew the wrong way it would crash lol.

I will always prefer DFI over ASUS. Had one board of each in the past and DFI has been a much better experience overall. Just personal choice there, but great find yet again.
Yeah, I'll stick with the DFI RD600 over the Asus RD600. but it's good to see that we now have options.

The thing that really bothers me is that we wont get our DFI RD600's until January at the earliest.
... We still waiting? January... ugh... oh well, there's a good chance this board will be available for sale around the same time R600 details get unveiled, that will be exciting...

Yep, looks like I won't be building my computer until the new year... la de fudging da...
Hehe cool thanks for keeping up with the thread, didn't have much time lately.

Looks like the Rd600 is officially of for me =(. I beleive the P5N32E will do what I need as many board can reach FSB400 anyway. Since I am going with 8800GTS it might be wise if physics becomes a major factor.

Other news: that is pretty sweet and should be of some interest to 3LF as this is almost what you are shooting for.

Thank you labbbby,

Yes that truely is a beautiful sight....it may be a few mhz short from my goal...but it sure does look purdy.

I can live with anything above 4ghz on an e6600 :)

After Dario gets this news though....he may end up just buying a P5B deluxe instead of waiting. He is a madman when it comes to FSB #'s.

I guess I can wait another month to get the DFI rd600...my case still isn't finished getting painted anyways.
Yeah that news about a first batch of 30 really makes you wanna wait a bit. Pretty funny though, Tony mentioned this was like the 14th revision of the board, he got a 1year old reference board! Oscar Wu's team are really perfectionist!

That is one of the reason I doubted they would get FSB much over 510...

And I Linked that 900 mod in the Psu/case , I thought you'd like to see it, nothing fancy just really clean and useful I like!
After Dario gets this news though....he may end up just buying a P5B deluxe instead of waiting. He is a madman when it comes to FSB #'s.
I am creating an account on ZZF right now to order it actually.

Not only the 511Mhz cap pissed me off, but there are too many big guns coming up to decide for one, P5B dlx will hold me up until I can find a board that does over 600Mhz FSB. IN9, Asus RD600, DFI 680i, and Commando will fight for that crown.
This has been truly a disappointment for me but seeing things realistically it is not the best choice for me at the moment.
Hell, I though you were going to kill yourself at the news. Ah well. Doesn't quite bother me. Hopefully the Asus RD600 will not be affected by the Asus/OCZ incompatibility thats oh so pervasive.
Labbbby I really like that mod. It's really well organized

Dario it's good to know that your still alive.

DaSickNinja *sigh* where have you been?
Unlike many, I never swore it to the 'The Golden Conroe motherboard'. I never dared to say anything similar. And 3lf is a witness of my exceptionism since about a week ago.
I guess I should rejoice for my choice, as I wont have to support a separate Phyx card anymore...
now... 680i DFI or RD600 DFI.... I guess it will come down to R600 vs. G80/1.

However, reading a link earlier it said that R600 was having power consumption and circuit issues, that is no good.
Hot tamales... thats a nice case mod... too bad I don't have that much time nor willpower to care enough, but I'm impressed... although Ninja's money problems I laff at 😀

You make the girl buy you stuff, not the other way around. Thats the way to roll.

Anyways, 680i supposedly has some problems, so I'm going to hold off until more info comes out:


Tomorrow reviews come out... we excited yet?