That plainly SUCKS man!!!
They should at least provide replacement laptops for the mean time!
When you take your laptop with you on holidays, it obviously means that you might need it somewhere!
What if they take it with themselves, for a 30 days search, and you're only visiting the country for 14 days?
What if your work info is on there?
Really, if you want to check HD content, just plug in the device to an external HD, clone it, let a dog sniff your laptop for drugs, and in 3 hours get it back!
That way by the time you arrive at your destination, they can check your laptop's info, and you can enjoy your trip!
Another senseless rule made by the Obama nation, the Abomination of nations.
America should not have a statute of Liberty anymore. It's probably the first target for attack! Instead replace it with a statue of lawbooks, that pile upto 152ft the size of the statue itself!
America, 2009! The land of the bound!