Question Did i damage my pc via condensation?

Jan 21, 2019
So it was chilly in my dorm room the other morning so i turned on the heater. Little did i know the thermostat was not set correctly so the temp in my room went from 69F to 76F in the span of arround 10 mins or so.

I know warm air and cool surfaces lead to condensation so is there a risk i damaged my pc by this due to my room heating up that fast? Im not at my room to check my pc but im worried i fried it.

Im sorry if this is a dumb question but i get anxious easily and i want to make sure i didnt screw up. If my pc is damaged will it be obvious most likely?


It was not at the time which is another reason im worried. If it was i am 100% sure it would be well over whatever the room temp was the entire time.
Consider the delivery of a new system, in the winter.
Riding around in the back of a cold truck all day, then brought inside the house.
Instant warm up.

Or a laptop thats been sitting in your car all morning, in January.
Then bring it inside to use.

Any condensation will quickly burn off.
And 69F to 76F is NOT a big temp swing. Do you see condensation on anything else?
Jan 21, 2019
Consider the delivery of a new system, in the winter.
Riding around in the back of a cold truck all day, then brought inside the house.
Instant warm up.

Or a laptop thats been sitting in your car all morning, in January.
Then bring it inside to use.

Any condensation will quickly burn off.
And 69F to 76F is NOT a big temp swing. Do you see condensation on anything else?

Sorry if this is dumb but arent those 2 situations also at risk of condensation forming? Any time i bring my laptop in from outside i let it warm up inside its carrying case for a few mins before i boot it up again.

I didnt see any condensation that i remember but i was not really looking for it at the time, i had to get to class so i quickly turned the temp back down on my way out


Sorry if this is dumb but arent those 2 situations also at risk of condensation forming? Any time i bring my laptop in from outside i let it warm up inside its carrying case for a few mins before i boot it up again.

I didnt see any condensation that i remember but i was not really looking for it at the time, i had to get to class so i quickly turned the temp back down on my way out
If any condensation DID form, it was gone by the time you got home.

Any "problem" would occur if the parts were consistently wet. Which they weren't.