I just bought a second-hand monitor today, plugged it in, and was happy.
when i was going about the Nvidia Control panel to set up the settings, i saw i could enable Gsync, which i did,
a few seconds after the entire screen turned black, slowly (like grey goo spreading), i then disabled the option again. but now the screen stays black.
i was under the impression the option would not be present if the monitor didn't support it, (like it was with my previous monitors)
and that disabling it would fix it.
after i disabled the option i shut down the pc, took out all power cabled from both PC and Monitor waited 30 sec and then turned on the machine
the screen is still black.
I tried using an HDMI cable with no luck and a DPort Cable with no luck. (i enabled it while using DPort cable,)
If more info is needed i am willing to provide with it.
Monitor is MSI MPG27CQ
GPU Is GTX 1060 6gb
when i was going about the Nvidia Control panel to set up the settings, i saw i could enable Gsync, which i did,
a few seconds after the entire screen turned black, slowly (like grey goo spreading), i then disabled the option again. but now the screen stays black.
i was under the impression the option would not be present if the monitor didn't support it, (like it was with my previous monitors)
and that disabling it would fix it.
after i disabled the option i shut down the pc, took out all power cabled from both PC and Monitor waited 30 sec and then turned on the machine
the screen is still black.
I tried using an HDMI cable with no luck and a DPort Cable with no luck. (i enabled it while using DPort cable,)
If more info is needed i am willing to provide with it.
Monitor is MSI MPG27CQ
GPU Is GTX 1060 6gb
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