So I'm just getting back into computers and the first cheap one I found that sounded reasonable was a Dell Optiplex 980 SSF which I didn't know mean't it was the small form factor at the time, but now I'm very well aware of that. But I'm needing more room inside because I have upgraded the CPU and the GPU so it needs another fan in there, and the hard drive obviously needs upgrading to 500GB SSD and I want to take it a little further. Also, I know it's not a gaming computer but all the games I run on it run perfectly fine.
I was just curious how hard it would be to switch from the 980 SFF case to a 980 full size case ?
Would I need the different motherboard, and if I did get just the motherboard, would all the components switch over that I've upgraded? Also it doesn't have to be a 980 if the components will switch over to a different motherboard I just need more room hopefully an extra PCI slot or two and maybe some USB 3.0. any ideas or suggestions?
Please don't say "buy a different computer"as that's like the last option if I'm going to go that route I'll just sell the 980 sff with all the upgrades and then start over but I would prefer not to do that. But if financially it makes a lot more sense I'll definitely do that.
I don't need a 1050 GPU in it I just want something that won't bottleneck so bad that it causes major lag cuz I'm old school I'm okay with LAG. I don't run huge games on it I've got a Microsoft account so I play their games like Halo and world of tanks and things like that but nothing that it can't handle already on the highest or next to highest graphic setting.
I was just curious how hard it would be to switch from the 980 SFF case to a 980 full size case ?
Would I need the different motherboard, and if I did get just the motherboard, would all the components switch over that I've upgraded? Also it doesn't have to be a 980 if the components will switch over to a different motherboard I just need more room hopefully an extra PCI slot or two and maybe some USB 3.0. any ideas or suggestions?
Please don't say "buy a different computer"as that's like the last option if I'm going to go that route I'll just sell the 980 sff with all the upgrades and then start over but I would prefer not to do that. But if financially it makes a lot more sense I'll definitely do that.
I don't need a 1050 GPU in it I just want something that won't bottleneck so bad that it causes major lag cuz I'm old school I'm okay with LAG. I don't run huge games on it I've got a Microsoft account so I play their games like Halo and world of tanks and things like that but nothing that it can't handle already on the highest or next to highest graphic setting.