Directx 11 problems - PC crashing


Aug 4, 2012
Hiya folks

I was wondering if I could ask you all for advice. I just recently upgrade my PC with a new motherboard/cpu/ram as I had recently purchased a new graphics card/PSU about 7 months ago and my HDD didn't need upgrading (as it's a 500gb SATAII) but my old motherboard/cpu/ram was slowing the perfermance down in games so it seemed logical to upgrade them to catch up with the graphics card.

My problem is though if I play any directx 11 game like batman arkham city or The secrect world my entire PC crashes (sound skips until it complete freezes and requires a restart to reboot PC)
Other games like Star Wars The Old Republic etc play fine for hours but as I soon as I get into a Directx 11 game after a few minutes the entire PC freezes.

I have heard that possible my graphics card is the issue and I checked to see if BIOS is up to date using GIGABYE easyboost autoflash program (it didn't updated it just said "no update information here") - BIOS version is f12 which I assume is the latest.

Here is my Setup

AMD Bulldozer 8 core 8150
16gb DDR3 G skill RipjawsZ 1866mhz (quad channel kit)
Asus Sabertooth 990FX motherboard
1gb GIGABYE 560ti OC GTX (900MHZ core clock....2004MHZ memory clock)
500gb SATAII (3gb/s)
780W G7 POWER EXTREME PSU (with 2x dedicated PCI-E ports)

I have heard that the graphics card I got can cause issue when trying to play directx 11 games something about voltage and flashing the BIOS can help but I am a bit stumped when I went to autoflash it says it's up to date (unless that program is wrong and there is a newer version out)

Not sure whether to underclock the card or if it could be something totally different. The only thing I know is that the only freezing I am getting boils down to Directx11 games....normal games work fine.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Did you do a fresh install of Windows 7 with the new CPU/mobo combo? Also ive never heard of that power supply before, it could just be a garbage PSU that cant provide the power needed when the GPU goes under heavy load, altho Star Wars will give your PC a decent workout.


Aug 4, 2012
I'll have a look to disable on board video. I didn't do a fresh install of Win 7. The PSU has seemed to be handling the GPU ok now but of course everything else has been massivly upgraded (was on amd x2 6000+, 4 gb 667mhz ram).

as I said it runs SWTOR well everything maxed out and ranging from 50-75fps.

I just run a test with the secret world playing in directx 11, it ran for about 20 minutes then came up with not responding but I was running MSI afterburner hardware monitor in background and it is showing the GPU usgae% max at 4294967296 which is a bit WTH?


Aug 4, 2012
I am using sound through a HDMI cable by the way...I got a DVI connected to my LED monitor and a HDMI connected to my Sony bravia tv at the same time...would this cause problems?
try drive sweepers..and the newest amd chipset drivers for your mb and the newest drivers for your video card.
boot into save mode and uninstall the video drivers and use the drive sweepers to clean up all the nvidia from the registry.
then go under windows device manager and remove all the device there to make sure the old mb drivers are gone. reboot into normal mode and let windows install mb drivers. when in windows install the newest mb drivers then reboot. then install newest nvidia drivers. if the games are still having issues try redownloading dirx.


Aug 4, 2012
The secret world doesn't use physx. I have just done a fresh install of windows 7. Installing gams to see how it goes.


Aug 4, 2012
well tried the secret world again in directx11 and it played fine for about 15 minutes and then the pc crashed again.

I'll have to look at the graphics card might have to underclock it which I did hear about with the card I got.


Aug 4, 2012
Well It seems I managed to fix the problem...I flashed the graphic card's bios and now it seems to work. I have played the secret world for about 3 hours and batman for about an hour with no mishap.

So hopefully it's sorted. Thanks all for your advice


May 17, 2010
Not sure if anyone is still watching this thread or not.

I had the EXACT same issue. I upgrades my cpu, ram, mobo a month or two ago. While I was playing D3 and WoW my computer would freeze. No BSOD just lock up. I replaced the motherboard and tried new RAM and nothing fixed it. The only thing I could find to fix it was running games in DirectX 9 instead of DX11 and the problem was gone.



Aug 4, 2012

Well the way I fixed it was downloading the bios software from the official graphics card website (GIGABYTE) and I flashed the BIOS on the graphics card. It must of fixed a voltage problem cause I been playing batman and the secret world now in directx 11 on max setting and so far so good.



Aug 4, 2012

Thanks for the help folks, so far I have played the secret world for about 6 hours and batman for 3 hours on directx 11 with max settings.

Great FPS and both games running more 5 minutes of playing and crashing the PC. Defiantly seems there was a problem with graphic cards voltage which the bios update must of fixed.


Dude please explain how you did that step for step.

Got an XFX 7970 BE DD and doing the exact same thing.... going mad here :cry: :cry:


Aug 4, 2012
I found a thread in the Battlefield 3 forums on battlelog and it seems that people playing directx11 version of battlefield 3 were having problems with their PC's crashing.

There is a guide on fixes including the video card BIOS fix.

Here is the link

About halfway down the guide there is a section called - User Submitted and it has 2 links for BIOS updates...One for GIGABYTE (which is my card manufacturer and EVGA)

I went to GIGABYTE's website from that link and downloaded the BIOS software which flashed my card and fixed the voltage problem.

Go to you graphic card manufactures website check out software downlaods and see if there is a BIOS update for your card or search in google for "XFX 7970 BE DD directx11 crashing" as your card is not the same as mine so there maybe other fixes for it.

I hope this helps.


Jan 16, 2013
Just a suggestion here, but before trying to flash any bios' (wanted to post here as this was the only thread I could find detailing a problem very similar to my own - ie, games would play perfect in directx 9 but as soon as I played anything that used 10 or 11, I would get a hard system crash / reboot with no error logs) you could try a rather frustratingly simple solution courtesy of an EVGA tech rep.

He suggested my problem might be caused by an audio conflict. Namely that nvidia drivers like to sneak in (even you choose NOT to install anything to do with nvidia audio) some things that can cause conflicts with onboard sound.

In my case the problem was - Control Panel > Device manager > System Devices > High Definition Audio Controller <<<<

I had two identical entries for high definition audio controller, properties will show their PCI bus slot, the motherboards audio controller will always be "PCI bus 0" the nvidia one was under PCI bus 1, I disabled this, leaving my motherboards ON and nvidias OFF and simply put, it fixed my problem.

(three days of crashing after building a new pc, tried a hundred things - fresh win7 install, drivers drivers drivers, ending up ra'ing and ordering a new power supply even though I won't need it now and on and on....until I tried what I detailed above)

^ If you end up on this page / thread somehow and are having a similar issue, this might be an easy thing to try before doing something a bit more extreme!

Honestly hope this might help someone, this thread helped me, thanks ;)


Apr 14, 2013

I did what you mention above (deactivated high definition sound and let Nvidia active). I think it worked. I didn't suffer any crash since (but only played one hour). Thanks!


Jan 12, 2014
Tried all the above with a more than qualifies pc and none worked. RMA, sending back to evga under warranty now, let you know if the problem persists or if it really was a gpu issue.