Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (
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Damn OE.
Link should've been...
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
In news:O$zFNEdJFHA.1360@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl,
Wesley Vogel <> hunted and pecked:
> msconfig is intended to be used as a troubleshooting tool not a
> startup manager.
> [[System Configuration Utility (msconfig.exe) allows you to
> temporarily change the way Windows XP Professional starts by
> disabling startup programs and services individually or several at a
> time.]]
> sources/documentation/Windows/XP/all/reskit/en-us/prmb_tol_dxth.asp
> [[System Configuration Utility (Msconfig.exe) automates the routine
> troubleshooting steps that Microsoft Product Support Services
> technicians use when diagnosing Windows configuration issues. You can
> use this tool to modify the system configuration through a process of
> elimination with check boxes, reducing the risk of typing errors.]]
> From StartMan Help:
> [[The correct method for removing any startup is to use the program
> that placed it there in the first place. The reason for this is that
> the program would otherwise be unaware of the changes you'd made with
> StartMan or any other startup managers, and some will actually
> restore their startups automatically, thus creating duplicates.
> Therefore always check the main program's own options or preferences,
> or the system tray icon's options (if the program has one) before
> resorting to any startup manager - including this one. Startup
> managers should ONLY be used to disable startups temporarily - such
> as when troubleshooting - or to remove non-essential startups that
> have no removal options whatsoever. ]]
> StartMan is a GOOD Utility, I use it all the time, especially after
> installing software. Everything you install wants to run at startup.
> StartMan shows where something starts from. Check out the Help in
> StartMan also! You can either have StartMan disable startups or just
> use it to find where something is loading from.
> StartMan v1.3.96
> StartMan v1.3.96 Direct download
> There are other start manager utilities but I don't use them, so can
> offer no other advice.
> --
> Hope this helps. Let us know.
> Wes
> MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
> In news:Si5Yd.70895$Tt.57619@fed1read05,
> zona4351 <> hunted and pecked:
>> Hello,
>> I've read several posts about speeding up pc by disabling programs in
>> Startup. After I've done that, and restarted the pc, I get a "System
>> Configuration Utility" message. It directs me to choose the normal
>> startup mode - which reactivates the programs I was trying to remove
>> from startup. Please help.