No, sir. The Start Menu doesn't function that way. The Start Menu is a collection of shortcuts (in most cases) to the .exe files of your installed programs. The programs don't actually run until you start them manually, either with the .exe file, or with the shortcut to that file.
But ... often, a third-party program when installed as default will add a key to the Registry, or in your Start Menu's Startup folder, which will allow a portion, or even the entire program to run automatically when the computer boots up. Real Player is a prime example of this kind of program.
In many cases, this kind of feature is more of an irritant than anything else, because there are very, very few programs that need to run when the computer first starts. This can cause your computer to boot slowly, use up system resources and memory, and occasionally, cause startup problems due to conflicts with other programs or drivers. This can also happen in reverse when the computer shuts down, because all running programs need to be ended so that the Registry can be unloaded ... and then the computer can shut down cleanly.
Note1: Just in case you were referring to the Startup folder, specifically ... and not the Menu, if you remove an item from the Startup folder, yes ... it will not load during the boot. The programs mentioned in this thread will allow you to either delete, (or if you are unsure) just disable these unnecessary items.
Note2: Removing a program's reference in the RUN Registry key(s) is permanent, and if you want it back, will often require reinstalling the program.
I hope this answers your question, and please write again if you need more information.
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