Disappointing gaming pc


Sep 7, 2016
So a while back in 2012 i bought a gaming pc but unfortunatley i noitced jaggy edges around distant objects flickering and horrible pop in textures i didnt encounter any artifacts but poor image quality and before you start asking yes i set antialiasing to max and image quality to ultra also i always install the latest nvdia drivers but nothing changes the funny thing is i just built a new computer and the issue is still there especially in open world games like far cry 4 where where literally distant mountains do not load and the trees and bushes are flying it ruins the immersion so all the pc parts are new except for the hdd 2 tb seagate that i got from the old computer which by the way used to give me messages like disk read error when booting up the pc so i am wondering if a faulty hard drive could cause bad visual quality in games and if not could you point out for me what i possibly could do to solve this sorry for the long post but it kinda sucks to spend 1000+ dollars and see no satisfying change
The pc secs are
1070gtx evga sc gpu
8gb hyperx ram
I5 6600k cpu
750watt psu cooler master
Gigabyte z170 x gaming 5 board
That specific issue could indeed be a bad or slow HDD. If it is one of those 'green' HDDs then it is likely just too slow. A half decent SSD would solve the problem, such as a 850 EVO (512GB is generally enough).

Unless you are one of those types to waste the SSD by installing everything on the slow HDD instead, then it will have no effect. Also make sure you are running games at your native resolution. If it is still super jaggy with AA maxed, sounds like it is running at a low resolution. Devs tend to set the defaults very low so more people are able to run the game first try.
That specific issue could indeed be a bad or slow HDD. If it is one of those 'green' HDDs then it is likely just too slow. A half decent SSD would solve the problem, such as a 850 EVO (512GB is generally enough).

Unless you are one of those types to waste the SSD by installing everything on the slow HDD instead, then it will have no effect. Also make sure you are running games at your native resolution. If it is still super jaggy with AA maxed, sounds like it is running at a low resolution. Devs tend to set the defaults very low so more people are able to run the game first try.