Discussion regarding Colorado legalizing recreational use of marijuana Jan 1

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Ahh, the good old days - a 'head' shop on every corner:) Rather sell the shovels than be the miner, more profit in it. All joking aside, has anyone found out what the prices are going to be for this "legal" high?

In WA, as soon as the state got out of the liqour business an additional "happy hour" tax was added to every bottle going out the door.

Yeah, the liquor intitiative was completlety idiotic. Costco is paying it through the azz though. Guess they should have let the state keep its monoploy. It will get its money some way or another. Oregon, on the other hand, is rolling in the dough.
Our boss just got back from Colorado ... he is from the conservative "South" and states that the Liberals in Boulder won this trial which is being watched carefully by other states.

I am not for legalising drugs ... I don't want to be run over by some hippy at 35 miles per hour busy changing his Bob Dylan 8 track cartridge and watching the pretty lights on the disco ball in the cabin at the same time ... and not watching for pedestians.
Pop the popcorn, and let's sit back and see what happens, this will either be great for Colorado, USA, or a disaster, time will tell!

Every state is watching what happens in this legalization step, will it boost the states economy, (more than likely yes, since visitors from other states can participate as long as it stays in Colorado), will it bring more crime, will it cut crime, is it good or bad!
For those interested here's your Colorado Disco Ball dealership! :lol:


First off I neither drink nor do drugs, except of course prescription medication for diabetes control, but my opinion regarding the legalization of marijuana is why did it take so long to do, this is 2014 and just like prohibition, license it, tax it, and let the states make money off of it, instead of loosing money, and the taxpayers paying to keep people in jail that shouldn't even be there.

So Colorado legalizing it will put more control over it, however problems will still arise regarding those under the legal age of 21!

That is something Colorado will be dealing with!

So as far as the law is concerned, I don't have a problem with it, it boils down to a persons right, and the old mystics and wives tales surrounding marijuana craziness, is just plain ludicrous scare tactics.

Not really. You owuld just get comfy with the local mob who would provide the 'goodies' to the 'public'. I hear they allow card counters at their blackjack tables... 😉
I think it is a bad concept because this leads to harder drugs as I can vouch for this myself years ago from pot to crack.This is poison you are putting in your system!
Technically speaking, THC has a very limited effect on tolerance in the human endocrine system.

Alcohol, a well-known and consumed schedule 4 narcotic, has much more harmful effects.

However, there has been some studies,( can't find it), that THC may increase LDL levels in your blood.
Marv as a longtime Pot user I challenge that claim. If Pot is a gateway drug, then booze is the gateway to pot, and caffeine is the gateway to booze.

Dont do crack FFS, but don't sweep everything under the same carpet. You can get drugs prescribed to you from a doctor that are far worse than crack or pot.

Don't knock it 'til you try it, marv!

Sorry guys but I am with marv ... all drugs are bad ... unless the good Dr prescribes them.

I have seen plenty of lives messed up, and as a shrink had to help others get back out of the toilet.

Have a chocolate sundae instead ... or a cola and some BBQ shapes ... or a slush puppy ... or some nuts !!!

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