[SOLVED] Display flickering/issues with AOC I2369VM IPS LED 23" HDMI monitor but only during gameplay ?

Feb 19, 2021

I'm just looking for some advice in relation to my desktop. My rig is over 5 years old now and is: Z170 Gaming Pro Motherboard, Dark Rock Pro 3 Cooling System, i7 6700k 4.0GhZ, 16GB DDR4 RAM, Nvidia GTX 980 with an 850W PSU. I have 2 AOC I2369VM 23" IPS LED Monitors setup and connected to the GTX 980, one monitor with a VGA > DVI adapter and the other VGA > Mini Displayport.

Over the last few months the monitors have begun to cause me problems which ONLY happen when I'm playing games in particular more graphically demanding games for my PC such as Total War Warhammer 2 or Star Citizen. The screens make the 'USB disconnect sound' and repeatedly turn on and off intermittently. The issue comes and goes and sometimes I can go for hours without the issue cropping up, or it will happen within 5 or 10 minutes of the PC being turned on. Like I said if I'm browsing the Web or typing a document this issue never crops up. I can only stop the issue by removing the monitor connected via mini DP.

I have searched online and tried many of the fixes people have suggested before but to no avail which leaves me to suggest that the DP ports on my graphics card have failed and its time for an upgrade?

So far I have tried the following which have not fixed the issue:

  • Updated and rolled back all drivers for the GTX 980 and the monitors.
  • Conducted the 'msconfig' boot startup procedure to prevent any programs running on startup which may cause conflict.
  • Removed all overclocking.
  • Powered off the monitors and reconnected them one at time after being powered off for at least a minute to allow the capacitors to reset.
  • Run one monitor independently through the DVI adapter which works fine with no issues. I have then run one monitor through each of the mini DP ports where the issue then happens.
  • I have run both monitors using mini DP adapters thinking the DVI may be causing a conflict however the issue is still there.
  • I have replaced the mini DP adapter and both VGA cables for the monitors however the problem is still there.
  • I have updated my BIOS and I have the most recent firmware update provided by Nvidia to tackle the historic displayport issues.
  • Removed the GPU and cleaned it ensuring that all the 6x2 pins are functional and slotted fully into place.
I don't think I've missed anything off what I've tried. If anyone could leave their thoughts, comments or recommendations that would be a huge help!

Thank you in advance.
On that basis I would consider the PSU as a primary suspect.

Do you have another known working PSU that you can swap in to test?

Do you have a multi-meter and know how to use it. Or known someone who does?


Not a full test as the PSU is not under load and if the problem is heat related it may not show up during PSU testing.

However, if any voltages are out of spec then the PSU likely needs to be replaced.

PSU's are a critical component and any output voltage issues to the motherboard or connected peripherals may result in some end effect such as the flickering.
Hi @Ralston18 thanks for your reply. My apologies its a 750w PSU a FSP 750-50ern 80+ SILVER. This has been installed for the entire 5 years also.

Its not necessarily flickering, its like my monitor is being disconnected and reconnected repeatedly. It turns on and off until I disconnect the monitor or return to the desktop.
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On that basis I would consider the PSU as a primary suspect.

Do you have another known working PSU that you can swap in to test?

Do you have a multi-meter and know how to use it. Or known someone who does?


Not a full test as the PSU is not under load and if the problem is heat related it may not show up during PSU testing.

However, if any voltages are out of spec then the PSU likely needs to be replaced.

PSU's are a critical component and any output voltage issues to the motherboard or connected peripherals may result in some end effect such as the flickering.
Hi @Ralston18 thank you again for your support. I have not used a multimeter before no and sadly I have no alternate PSU to test.

I could purchase a replacement but if the PSU is not to blame then I may be left a few £100 out of pocket unless the company I used accepts returns. I'm UK based, I'm not sure if you have any recommendations for somewhere to get a multimeter?
I will have to defer to Forum members in the UK regarding where to get a multi-meter.

Not familiar with UK brands and sources there.

Tom's has a number of regular UK participants and hopefully someone can make an applicable product recommendation or two.

And, like everywhere else , there are probably many substandard products on the shelves or to be found online.

But do ask around: Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers. Many electronics hobbyists and DIY types are likely to have a multi-meter.
I'll try and source one, from looking online they aren't too expensive to buy. @Ralston18 from my initial post I did theorise that the Mini DP ports on my Gainward GTX980 were defective. You will probably know more than me on this but on reflection, if the GPU or its ports were faulty, the issue would, I imagine, be constant and not only occurring during gameplay?
Hi @Ralston18, just an update. I lost my patience in the end after testing the PSU with a multimeter this checked back fine. I took the PC to a local store and they've run a full system check, CPU, Motherboard, PSU, GPU and Memory, everything ran perfect and they even showed me over 2 monitors. This now leads me to suspect one of my monitors is possibly the cause of the problem. Even though the cables have been replaced I'm thinking there's a short somewhere or the power board is faulty. Have you any ideas on how to test a monitor?

Thank you kindly.
Gaming puts more stress on a system and that is quite frequently when problems appear versus less power or resource demanding tasks. Likely to be "threshold" in nature. Works fine up to some point and once across that threshold problems appear.


You can use Task Manager and Resource Monitor (one at a time) to observe the use of system resources - while not gaming and then while gaming.

Idea being that the monitor(s) are fine until any given resource reaches some % where the flickering begins. Requires that you leave the window open and viewable while gaming.


About the most that can be done is to try the monitor(s) in different environments and combinations of ports and video cables.

For example: HDMI may not be working but connecting via VGA or DVI-x will work.

Basically just swapping about as a matter of elimination. (You have already swapped and replaced cables as I understand your posts.)

Monitors can be tested with a multi-meter but that requires schematics, specs, and overall much more skill and knowledge.

And even if some problem is found a repair may or may not be possible. If repair is possible, the cost may be more than a new monitor....
Hi @Ralston18 I'm thinking of ditching the VGA cables first of all and buying new power leads and displayport cables. If that doesn't fix it I think it's time for some new monitors. Thank you very much for your input on this. I'll see how I get on over the next day or two.
Hi @Ralston18 just an update for you. I have replaced all power cables and even used a monitor belonging to a friend, no change. More worrying now is the fact that wavy lines have started appearing on the screens when I run games, I'm starting to think this might be a motherboard issue? Any ideas?
Take another look in Reliability History and Event Viewer. If the wavy lines do not immediately appear then hopefully whatever eventually causes them will have some corresponding entry in the logs.

Also I am going to move your post/thread to displays. Someone may read through the preceding posts and add other ideas and suggestions.
Hi @Ralston18 I have managed to fix the issue! Firstly I reinstalled Windows and worked from scratch installing all drivers and programs thinking something may be conflicting. I switched my cables to direct Displayport > MiniDP without the use of adapters so the connection is purely digital. This fixed the blinking issue and screens going on and off but the wavy lines continued.

I ended up reducing the refresh rate of my monitors from 60MHz to 57MHz after reading that it may help from a post I read on here. I gave my PSU a thorough dust down thinking that may be the issue too and viola, problem solved. I am certain the issue for the blinking is Driver/VGA cable related now so I'll avoid VGA. As for the interference and wavy lines I'm not sure which of what I did fixed it but I'll be leaving it as its working haha.

Can I just say thank you again for all your help.