Question DistributedCom (10016) makes my monitor flicker

Oct 14, 2024
Hello. Who r u guys?
My monitor blinks exactly when this administrative event happens (10016) - DistributedCom.
It usually takes 2 minutes after turning on the PC for this to happen.
It flashes on the left side of the screen, the same as the first video uploaded.
This only happens once and at this exact moment.
My PSU is less than 3 years old. 750W Gold Superflower. Only used by me.
My PC is working normally.
I formatted the PC thinking it would solve this problem, but it didn't. I already changed the cables and that didn't help either.
I updated the BIOS and that didn't help either.
Drivers are up to date.
I've already tried changing the monitor's refresh rates, the problem continues to happen.
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System specs?

Look in Reliability History/Monitor and Event Viewer for any log entries being captured at the 2 minute mark.

Reliability History/Monitor presents a timeline format that may help reveal the error.

Especially if the two minute timing is constant.

Look in Task Manager for other apps or utilities being launched at startup. Especially any that are unexpected or unknown to you.

Also look in Task Scheduler for some app that may be being triggered at the 2 minute mark.
Oct 14, 2024
I got a 5600X + 3080 10GB + 32GB DDR4, using Win 11.

My monitor is an Alienware Aw2518hf (240hz).

I noticed that if I go to the NVIDIA panel and change the PC resolution options, where it reaches the highest frequencies, up to 240hz and set the Ultra HD, HD, SD option at 60Hz (max), the monitor does not flicker.

If I set the maximum frequency to 120hz it also doesn't flicker. Only in 144 Hz and 240 Hz options.

This type of event only happens when event number 10016 appears in the Windows event viewer. DistributedCom warning that the application's specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission to the COM Server application with CLSID.

I had never noticed this before because it always happens after the initial 2 minutes as soon as I turn on the PC. Since I was always going to do something else, like a coffee or something.
As I never paid attention when this started happening I don't know if it was due to an NVIDIA driver.
When I didn't have a driver installed, this problem didn't occur either.

Could it be a freesync issue?

It turns out that my problem is exactly what is happening to the other person. (DistributedCom 10016).
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