District 9 Pirated Over 1 Million Times in 24 Hours

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I am not certain how relevant these stats are in terms of lost sales. Is tehre any way to tell what countries are the biggest offenders and possibly project from which countries sales might be lost? I know that I would rather pay to see it in the theatre or have a legit DVD and I think most people feel the same here (I hope). Though I realize that there will always be pirates anywhere, I just would like to see it broken down to get a better perspective.
Well since i didnt know it was out in such good quality already I will actually DL it right now. Ill at least contribute in beating Xmen's record for 2009 as the most DLed movie. Next step, Donations!

Sperm bank, here i come!
I think pirating movies is pretty worthless personally. Sure when you find that good copy it turns out to be worth it but there's so many bad copies of movies out there it is usually a big waste of time.
I watched D-9 on an independently owned theater with a digital projector and it looked awesome! There is something to be said about watching science fiction movies on the big screen! I bet the official DVD/Bluray will have a ton of extra footage!
Good movie and one of the few this year actually worth paying to see.

With that said, Hollywood is making a giant fuss about money lost due to piracey but look at their gross numbers on the summer blockbusters. Hollywood has brought in over $4 Billion in just the past 2 months. Im pretty sure it didnt cost them that much to make those movies. Even with Wolverine being so pirated its still one of the top 10 Highest grossing movies of the year. If you ask me all the piracey talk was publicity.

It's a South African movie that "only" had a 30 million dollar budget (a lot for South African standards but peanuts in Hollywood) and didn't have much publicity.

I reckon nobody in Europe or the US would've even heard of the movie it wasn't for the illegal downloads, so it's very well the movie grossed more revenue because of the free publicity, anyway, it did just fine, grossing 118 million dollar already.
It's a South African movie that "only" had a 30 million dollar budget (a lot for South African standards but peanuts in Hollywood) and didn't have much publicity.

I reckon nobody in Europe or the US would've even heard of the movie it wasn't for the illegal downloads, so it's very well the movie grossed more revenue because of the free publicity, anyway, it did just fine, grossing 118 million dollar already.
Just goes to show when people argue i only pirate so then i don't pay to see a crappy movie they really just pirate because they are cheap. Read reviews if you don't want to pay for a crap movie.
[citation][nom]major7up[/nom]I am not certain how relevant these stats are in terms of lost sales. Is tehre any way to tell what countries are the biggest offenders and possibly project from which countries sales might be lost? I know that I would rather pay to see it in the theatre or have a legit DVD and I think most people feel the same here (I hope). Though I realize that there will always be pirates anywhere, I just would like to see it broken down to get a better perspective.[/citation]
You'll never see any concrete figures on 'lost sales' as its all hypothetical.

Studios tend to get bent out of shape when they hear that their movie/product is pirated and try to attribute a number to it which ends up no where near a reliable figure (too many assumptions being made).

Its no different than if Sony/Microsoft claimed they lost sales for offering free demos on their network, based on their projections of $5 per demo, they could have made $X. Most people would contest that figure on the basis that most people wouldn't have downloaded the demo if it wasn't free. The remaining audience that would have still paid for a demo would be minuscule in comparison to the initial sample.
[citation][nom]marcus_br[/nom]You should know better, it's not 1 million anymore, it's 999.999, as you've already watched...dl'ed by your demonoid account[/citation]

Just because I have a demonoid account, doesn't mean I use it. Can't wait to see this movie in the cinema.
District 9 wasn't really that good IMHO. Maybe because I watched it in a movie theatre. Still, better than most movies in the theatres right now. Inglorious Bastards..now that was awesome!
[citation][nom]marcus_br[/nom]LOL, so you first download and then go to the cinema?Better than nothing anyways, though it reminds me of that case with a journalist and Fox[/citation]

I didn't download it. That's what boyfriends are for. I will pay to go see it in the cinema when I can. It has only been out two days here.
i dont understand why people think pirating is bad .... people do it because it is easyier than going down to the cinima and forking over 10 pounds so you can sit in a theater with that realy tall guy sitting infront of you .... and then you have those four girls sitting behind you who wont shut up about that skirt one of them wanted to buy ... and that other women 4 seats down who makes 2 cell calls during the show .... GEEEE i wonder why people would want to rather watch it is the privacy of thier own home !?

o well you should have to wait till it is out on dvd then !!! ... why should we ? ... we have just as much rights to enjoy a movie on the day of release as anyone else .... it is not our fault that the idiots who run the entertainment industry refuses to adapt to what people want ... adapt of die out ....
I saw it in theaters and i am happy i did. i see movies in theaters if i think or know it will be good. think if they make a good movie they should get paid and i feel it sort of encourages them to make more quality movies like it if they make good money of it.(tho $10 is a bit much)
Another example that big movie studios need to reform their business model! I mean, I'd be willing to pay a little bit more (maybe 2-3$) per movie ticket if it would give me an access code that could let me download the movie latter on.
Yes, give us the catfood while we wait for Christopher to come back and pick us up. fookin
I watched at the cinema and I downloaded it. It's great copy but would still recommend my friends watch it at the cinema.
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