"IzzyCraft and sicundercover,
Actually, I am fully aware of who Jules Vern is and you left Heinlein off your list. And no, I don't think either Transformers film was very good (especially #2).
My point is that I expect absolutely all scifi films to have a bit of action. Have any of you read great scifi? It has suspense and action/adventure. This movie had absolutely none of either! Assuming you are even remotely aware of the semi-current events, the plot was painfully obvious with absolutely no suspense or wonder."
Peckerhead, I suppose when they stormed HQ they used water balloons to obliterate the private army, no action your kidding me right! No rockets, no shock rifles, no grenade launchers, gun fire, etc. DOH! I don't think you say district 9, instead you walked into Aliens in the Attic...LOL!
And folks please stop using the term 'Pirate' its file sharing. Stop fueling the misinformation campaign that the RIAA, MPAA, and the likes have been running for decades now, and crippling the freedom of information. It's this very misnomer that the politicians buy and feed into that perpetuates the draconian laws.