Believe it or not, but I just installed Xubuntu, and it looks fabulous!
The blue-grey looks have been changed to dark blue-black!
Also running the newer OS from an EXT4 formatted USB stick goes MUCH faster!
The response time has at least been cut by 2/3th over EXT2.
I did a clean install on a 4GB (4000000000 bytes = 3,8GB) USB stick because I wanted to see system response over EXT2, and it is definitely noticeable!
The only con is that Xubuntu starts to become much like the earlier Ubuntu, because it's system resources have increased; but on a C2Duo from USB it runs more smooth!
I still have much tuning to do, but I think the EXT4 partition is the next best invention after Exfat (which unfortunately does not have 100% compatibility yet with Linux)I believe.
The only thing I'm missing is compressed folders and files like on NTFS,which for a Linux could give me upto 50% of freed space...
I think the upgrade on Xubuntu was definitely worth it!