ask me most critic's and new reviewers , just expect to damn much froma game today , seriously giving DNF 50 or lower ????
and evern you guys say in this article it disapointed gamers ??? how ? i jsut don't see it , iv'e been palyign ti , it's agreat game , it jsut doesn't do any thing truely new , So what ? does that make it a terrible as the reviewers woudl suggest with thier scores . ask me NO , maybe it makes amediocre game by today's standards , but i've seen worse games ghet 80% or 8/10 in reveiws before. this is not teh frist time eitehr than i've seena game get crap reviews from new and gamers alike eitehr and i still liked teh game myself (blood rayne 1 and 2)
though in the case of DNF i've seen a lot of gamers scratch thier heads over the bad reviews. sure DNF doesn't do any thing new , and teh potty hiumor seems older today , but the game is a great trip through time (literrally) bringing back many fond memories of teh original duke games. i jsut dont understand why a game today has to some sort of "messiah" game to get deccent reviews any more. not every paitning has to be a michangelo , not every song has to be a beatles hit , and not every game has to be a Halo.
i seriously agree with this guy about what a--hats these critics have been , granted i'm not for blacklisting , but i think more than a few of tehse reviewer's need thier teeth kicked in jsut for being such jack ass idiots to actually expect DNF to be some super differnt expreince , it'sa FPSer not much more to add to this genre really.
further more i'll take duke over any one of the million's of CoD games that are flaothing around today like turds in a toilet. because those games do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING new either , have less than half the humor DNF does, and have much shorter campaigns , yet they all get much better reviews from these same reviewers than DNF did , THAT is why i want to kick these people squarely in the balls , and why i flat out don't trust reviewers.