
Mar 30, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

I use to use BINd for DNS now I am using Microsoft DNs
server I have a domain which I host its records.
I have thisdomain.com in my DNS server, but I can only add
www for the web address.eg I can only resolve
www.thisdomain.com and I cannot resolve thisdomain.com. In
BINd I use to just add the "." for the thisdomain.com. How
can I do this in MS DNS.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

In news:2bdba01c468f3$e164fc90$a501280a@phx.gbl,
Mark <anonymous@discussions.microsoft.com> asked for help and I offered my
suggestions below:
> I use to use BINd for DNS now I am using Microsoft DNs
> server I have a domain which I host its records.
> I have thisdomain.com in my DNS server, but I can only add
> www for the web address.eg I can only resolve
> www.thisdomain.com and I cannot resolve thisdomain.com. In
> BINd I use to just add the "." for the thisdomain.com. How
> can I do this in MS DNS.

Rt-click the zone name, add new Host record, leave the host name portion
blank and give it an IP address. If it barks at you with a message saying it
doesn't like it, ignore it.


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

HAM AND EGGS: A day's work for a chicken;
A lifetime commitment for a pig.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

M> In BINd I use to just add the "." for the thisdomain.com.

No, you didn't.

M> How can I do this in MS DNS.
