PCgamer81 :
Of course you don't. You're not superhuman, or elitist.
The only thing I hate worse than elitism is wannabe elitism.
I play all manner of shooters on my 1080p @ 75fps and I set the refresh rate down to 60 because there is no use in overworking my hardware when I can't notice a lick of difference. But these geniuses would have me believe they can still notice a difference at over double the point where I stop noticing.
*psst* between you and me, I think they were picked on in school.
Where was I? Oh yeah, I worship at the feet of those with superhuman eyes!
You are completely misunderstanding how this stuff works. First of all, a display does not display in FPS, it displays in Hz. The graphics cards output in FPS. Hz and FPS are not the same. The difference between 60Hz and 75Hz is minimal, so you should not see the difference. The difference between 60Hz and 120Hz is far greater and if you didn't see it then you may need to get your eyes checked (I'm not being rude or obnoxious; just stating a fact).
If a graphics card is not outputting more than 60FPS, then going from 60Hz to 75Hz will offer zero difference. If your game settings are set so it can run at over 120FPS, then going from a 60Hz screen to a 120Hz display will show an important improvement. Increasing refresh rate above 60Hz when you don't get FPS higher than 60FPS will not cause much change.
Also, if your shooters are going at 75FPS, then the graphics cards work jsut as hard regardless of the display being set to 60Hz or 75Hz. FPS is not going to change from that, only the perceived FPS is. The graphics cards are still outputting 75FPS, the displays just then don't display it.
Here are some examples that may help.
30FPS on a 30Hz screen looks roughly identical to 30FPS on a 60Hz, 75Hz, or 120Hz and up display.
120FPS looks far better on a 120Hz display than on a display with lower Hz. Without Vsync, having FPS that much higher than the refresh rate could actually cause visual tearing and decrease picture quality.
75FPS on a 60Hz or 75Hz screen is just too close to tell much difference (usually). Going above 60FPS and Hz, it takes larger and larger jumps to continue noticing improvements. For example, going from 60FPS on a 60Hz to 75FPS on a 75Hz is nothing like the change from a 60FPS on a 60Hz to a 90FPS on a 90Hz or a 120FPS on a 120Hz.
Also, keep in mind that FPS is almost never exactly constant. It continuously fluctuates during game-play, although not always by large amounts. Some times it is by large amounts. The closer your minimum frame rate is to your average frame rate, the better.
One of the few things worse than elitism is misunderstanding something that is not elitism because you don't understand how graphics and displays work, but managing to think that it is elitism anyway.