Gpus of higher tier lasting longer? Apparently not - at least on Nvidia gpus. I remember Buildzoid bringing it up across his PCB breakdown videos.
In regards to their composition, for example: a xx90 or xx80Ti is more liable to be 'cheap' under the hood than an xx70.
Even if you don't, these things are designed to do it for you, automatically and dynamically. Plus, depending on the product tier(Gaming X, Z, Suprim, etc.), the manufacturer adds an extra bump on top.
This gen(40 series), aftermarket solutions don't have much going for them beyond aesthetics and being more available. The FE:
-the PCB has a superior composition to most models.
-is compatible with more custom water blocks(if anyone wanted to go that route).
-capable of operating thermals well within spec.
-cooler doesn't dump all its waste heat inside the PC. Other models may do better here, but not enough to make a major impact, and they're dumping all their waste heat inside the PC. [Suprim Liquid and similar can be positioned to exhaust directly out the PC.]
-it costs less than most options.