Do I need to bother OCing my ne 8800GTS in my system?


Sep 28, 2004
I guess I could test it but it's save me quite a bit of time if you guys just tell me :)

Should I even bother OCing my evga 8800GTS (320 Mb) in my custom built rig:
E4300 OCed to 2.7 Ghz (9x300 - I had it at 3.0 Ghz but this seems more stable)

I had 7900GS that would get 4,400 on 3DMark2006 at factory speeds (450/660)
I had it to 4,700 with 500/750 speeds

I now upgraded my 2x1 Corsair 6400C4 RAM to 4 Gb (4x1) and get 4,700 on 3DMark06.

With 8800 GTS out of box I get 8,900 score.

I'm thinking that CPU or RAM is now my bottleneck, not my video card...?

Depending on what types of game you play, there's probably no need to OC your vidcard, although more frames won't hurt. The gains are usually very small, around 5% more fps for a massive OC.
Actually i'd put money on the Graphics card being the bottleneck. The processor i doubt it, and the RAM is definitely not your bottleneck.

OC the card will surely give you more performance, but if your comfortable with the performance now there's no need to really push it. But a safe stable overclock might be good.

Do push it. The cooler is good, and that old g80 8800gts is past its prime. In other words, the kind of fps increase would be a useful 35-40, not an unnoticable 55-60.
From 8,900 on 3DMark2006 went to 9,900 (from 513/core and 792 memory defaults went to 600/900, seems very stable:

Couple of questions:

1. My temp went 42 ambient to 48, but I didn't catch the core one on default, now it is 56 - is that ok?
2. Why is ATItool failing to show me (0.26) failing to show me artifacts (since I installed), is it supposed to be compatible with 8800 GTS?
3. Should I push more OC?
From 8,900 on 3DMark2006 went to 9,900 (from 513/core and 792 memory defaults went to 600/900, seems very stable:

Couple of questions:

1. My temp went 42 ambient to 48, but I didn't catch the core one on default, now it is 56 - is that ok?
2. Why is ATItool (0.26) failing to show me artifacts (since I installed), is it supposed to be compatible with 8800 GTS?
3. Should I push more OC?

Anyone? Anyone else OC 8800GTS and can give me some tips?

Well I would personally do it but why did you get the 8800 gts 320mb version in stead of the 8800 gts 512? Even the 8800gt 512mb outperforms the 8800 gts 320mb.

1. The only danger temperatures for any part of your hardware will be at 75C+.

2. Because ATI tool is for ATI cards. 8800 GTS 312mb are NVIDIA cards. Both are different manufacturers.

3. If I were you, I would try to get it like you got your processor- stable and performing well.
Perhaps he got it 1 year or so ago when the 8800GTS 512MB wasn't out.

1.) 85C is fine actually. 100C is the danger zone.

2.) My 8800GTS 320MB shows artifacts fine in ATI tools. Should matter which cards

3.) Dunno. What do you think?

Your Temps are fine.

ATI Tool is designed to stress your graphics card in order to identify if it'sstable or not. If it's not stable it will detect artifacts, which is are bad. And it'll work with nVidia as well as ATI.

Up to you to push the OC.