DOA motherboard?


Aug 28, 2012
Hello, guys!

After a new motherboard installation, my pc does not power up/boot:

No fans spin when switching on the PSU
No beeps from the motherboard when switching the power button
No lighten LEDs from the motherboard

The only sign of reaction from the system is that the power led in the case is lighting up when i switch the bower button.

I've already read the troubleshooting guide and checked the connections twice.

Any Ideas before sending back to the Store as DOA?

Not all MB's beep, as an example mine doesn't.

But no i can't seem to figure out a solution.
actually my motherboard is the ASROCK 970DE3/U3S3 RETAIL, and i am not aware if it beeps or not. However regardless the beeps , system is not booting, no display, no fans, no sound at all, only this faint led in my tower case showing that the motherboard is receiving some power from the PSU.
Guys problem solved!

It was my mistake, i had misplaced the front panel cables (PW Button,LEDs ..) on the ASROCK panel.
I had linked them on the usb panel which is identical and underneath it dispays "FRONT PANEL" which is misleading. It seems that the led was faint lighten because of the usb power.

Moreover, it seems that new motherboards don't spin/twich fans when switching the PSU on.

Thanks for the support!