Question Does anyone know what "ntoskrnl.exe!Ordinal25" is?

Mar 27, 2024
Hello! I have seen posts in this forum before in order to troubleshoot issues that I've had with my computer. You guys are super helpful, and I am asking for your help once again, because of an issue that really doesn't seem to have a solution online....


So, as you can see in the image. System is using 6% of the CPU without really me doing anything. I've seen this go up to I'd say 8%, but it usually stays at around 3.5 to like 7%. It's really not that big of an issue, I don't have any stuttering or performance issues, but this bothers me....

So because it bothered me, I installed Process Explorer to see what exactly is happening and I am seeing this:

Now I've searched for this "ntoskrnl.exe!Ordinal25" everywhere and in the whole of the internet there are like 5 results. Initially I thought that there was a cryptominer on my PC, but after running multiple antivirus scans from Hitman Pro, MalwareBytes and Windows Defender, all have come back clear.

Now, you'll excuse me since this might be something obvious, but does anyone know what this is exactly? Should I be scared?

I cam across this, which seems to suggest that this has something to do with Office?

Any help, would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

System specs:

MOBO: MSi Z97 MPower
CPU: i7-4790K,
GPU: GTX 1070 Ti.
OS: Windows 10 Build 19045
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Ntoskrnl is usually a Windows System Kernel process executable connecting hardware and software and relatively harmless, unless hijacked by some malware, which its not, as validated by the various antivirus you have run.
High CPU usage for ntoskrnl usually denotes to either outdated drivers or a particular app consuming excess resource or too many apps running simultaneously, even in the background. But I wont consider 6% to 8% as high usage in the first place.
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Thanks for your reply! I also think that it's most likely not malware, cause I practice safe habits while on the internet. I'd still like to know what Ordinal25 is though... From my research on ntoskrnl, I found that there are different functions that we know what they do. But for this one, I am lost. Is it even an actual function name or is it some sort of placeholder? Perhaps there is a driver issue?
I see the anti-malware executable sitting at a small amount of usage. Often see spikes in System when it is actively scanning something.

You might have a program that looks suspicious or has really deep hooks and needs to be constantly monitored in case something does try and take it over.

Your browser, discord, and potentially wallpaper.exe as well could be causing hits to local files that are cached. I know Discord chat is often riddled with links and image posts that will get cached locally. These also may be subject to active anti-malware protection.
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