Question Does Bitlocker slow down a windows 7 Ultimate system?


Feb 22, 2019
Hi. I have a HP Compaq 6710b with TPM and a Intel Core DUO 2 GHz microprocessor. It is an old computer(2008?), with Windows 7 Ultimate, and I wish to know if Bitlocker encryption will slow down my system very much. My hard drive is a SSD Samsung 860 EVO (fast), but perhaps Bitlocker slows down CPU... I think hardware encription with my SSD is not possible with such old computer.
OK Alabalcho but the question is about if it is worth to use it in such a system or it will decrease very much the performance. How percentage of system slow down you believe it will?.
You might have to try it and let us know, as I don't recall anyone measuring and/or publicizing any differences.

If the performance hit is too great, you can always simply install an encrypted container file via Veracrypt, and store anything sensitive into will be locked solid until you unlock it after each bootup. Use secure mngmt for passwords like Lastpass, etc...