[SOLVED] Does compressing files with winrar changes the original files in any way?


May 4, 2020
I'm sorry, I'm new here and don't know if this is the right place to post this question.
Just a noob question, but I'm really curious about it. I work with game development and I usually save a build in a compressed (.rar) way so I don't delete something by accident.
I just wish to know if the original files are safe and untouched, so I may continue developing, while having the compressed backup. (I'm just fearful of some type of corruption caused by winrar in the original files).
Not at all, if you have the original files all that happened to them is a read. No writing to the original files occurs during compression.


The files will be uncompressed exactly as they were. Error checking is embedded in the compression algorithm.

Compression basically just represents verbose binary data with as little data as possible. so saying 1111 1111 equals 11 (the second bit for error checking, essentially odd/even) And compacting data, removing empty space from clusters when they were first written. So if you have a 1.1kb file stored in a 16kb cluster, it will remove the empty space when it makes the rar file.

Very simplified, if you want to learn more:



May 4, 2020
The files will be uncompressed exactly as they were. Error checking is embedded in the compression algorithm.

Compression basically just represents verbose binary data with as little data as possible. so saying 1111 1111 equals 11 (the second bit for error checking, essentially odd/even) And compacting data, removing empty space from clusters when they were first written. So if you have a 1.1kb file stored in a 16kb cluster, it will remove the empty space when it makes the rar file.

Very simplified, if you want to learn more:

Oh, I see. Thanks for the reply!
But this is a bit of a tricky question, because I was referring to the original files, the ones that served as base for the compression, and not the compressed files themselves.

Like GAME 1 is compressed to GAME 1.rar
Does GAME 1, the original file outside the compression, risk any kind of corruption during the compression process? Or is it left untouched?